feelings. [m]

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Jordan caught a glimpse of her as she laughed with her husband. It was a casual outing and he was casually hanging with people. Truth be told, he hadn't thought about coming but she convinced him. She always convinced him. He took in the very short dress taking in her curves and the heels. His dick twitched at the thought of her wrapped around his waist. He needed her desperately.


Months of keeping it undercover. Hidden behind the fact they were just co workers. She was one of his best friends and one night lead to things. They never talk about it but they hadn't stopped either. The party went without much conversation. He wasn't surprised, they kept things casual when in a big group. He left early because he had an early start time for their Christmas film.

The knock on the door of his trailer makes him stop, they knocked again and he knew who it was. He told her to come in and immediately lost his breathe. He had been laying on his couch attempting to sleep and couldn't. Simone slipped off her shoes crawling under the blanket with him.  It was wrong but there was something comforting about Jordan.

She laid against his chest feeling her arms wrap around her waist. She snuggled against him even more. Jordan exhaled and was caught off guard feeling her hand slip into his pants. He had on sweats so it was easy access to him. She pulled his length out of his sweats gripping him. She didn't need to see in order to know that he was well endowed and thick. He packed more than her husband. He always filled her up.

Maybe it was wrong but Simone had countless sex dreams involving her co star.

"Sim." He started.

She stops him with a kiss. He caves. Her hand wrapping around his dick. God, it was mouth watering. Simone's stroking was slow and steady. She could feel him thrust against her hand making her smile softly. They had time in between takes so she was going to use her time wisely. Damon and her had been fighting non stop for months. Jordan was the perfect distraction.

She was attracted from the very first time they auditioned together. There was a feeling there that she hadn't felt for a long time. The chemistry was seen by the director and producers out of all the actors and actresses that auditioned. Simone never considered herself a cheater but she knew what she was doing wasn't right. Yet, it felt right to her in a twisted way.

She wanted him more than she wanted her husband. She wanted to be with him without feeling guilty about her feelings. It didn't feel like acting to her the more they spent time together. She felt light and refreshed around him. It wasn't just the Christmas magic they were making on the film set.

Simone moaned sinking down on him. She took in the smell of his cologne as she rode him. It was sending her into overdrive how much he just smelled and looked good. Sure, Damon was attractive but Jordan was on another level that hit different. He made her want to scream on the inside.

She moaned being pulled into a kiss. His hands gripped her ass needing her close. The kiss was wet, sloppy and passionate as if they were truly together. Her hand rested against his face feeling his facial hair. The hair on the back of his neck stands. He needed to pound into her.

His strokes were deep. He wanted to hit every angle and feel her shake. Jordan groaned at the sensation of her wet folds. In the back of his mind, he knew it was wrong. It didn't stop him from throwing things off the desk and sitting her on top of it, pounding into her harder. She was leaking and he couldn't be stopped. The moaning in his ear and the scratching of his head.

"Jordan." Simone whimpered.

He slammed into her again. He spread her legs even more open. Jordan didn't realize how much he was ruining the dress she was wearing for the scene. He knew that wardrobe would have a field day but he was lost in the moment.

The knock on the door pulls Jordan got of his haze thirty minutes later. He knew the trailer smelled like sex and he knew they were due back on set.

"I can't find her." He heard the assistant say on the walkie talkie.

He could hear the door about to open and he slipped on his shirt and pants rushing to stop them. He cracked open the door popping his head out. Maybe if he flashed his award winning smile then the assistant would just go away.

"Jordan, Hi. Have you seen Simone?"

"Uh no. Maybe she's at Kraft services." He guessed.

"We checked all over." She sighed, rubbing her forehead.

"I am sure Simone will turn up. I'll go find her myself and bring her to set."

"Please! They are driving me crazy."

"It would be my pleasure, We'll be there shortly.."

"Thanks so much and Jordan?"


"Make sure you wipe the lipstick off your neck when you return." She smirked.

"Thank you." He couldn't close the door fast enough.

He turned seeing Simone fully dressed. She handed him a napkin and his eyes rolled. Walking behind him she was about to head for the door when he spun her back into his arms. They stood in the moment taking in the silence. Simone could feel her heart race again just from being in his arms. Everything just felt different, more real and more peaceful.

"I should get going. We have a film to make." She said smoothing out his shirt.

"Sorry about the dress." He peered down at her.

"I am not. I wasn't in favor of it any so perfect opportunity to find something else." She doesn't know why but she felt the need to kiss him in the moment. Even if she knew she would be seeing him soon, it was still something unspeakable about their alone time.

"I'll see you on set Baker. Don't forget to bring your A game."

"Oh don't act like you weren't turn on by the slightest touch a few minutes ago."

"I plead the fifth." She winked walking backwards to the door.

"Pleading has consequences, Hicks."

"A challenge I am willing to accept. Bye boy!" She nearly tripped walking down the steps.

"Need help? You gotta play it off woman."

"It's your fault." She frowned.

"I liked to make good on my acts of service sweetheart."

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now