new years resolutions

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Simone knocked softly on the front door. She was excited to be back home for winter break. She needed a minute to sleep in her own bed but that meant hanging first thing in the morning with her favorite person - Her dad followed by offering to baby sit Shay. Her facial features curved into a smile when she seen Tariq. He looked nervous.

"Simone, I am sorry... I totally forgot you were coming."

"It's okay, I brought dinner."

"Shanelle and I have to get going." He hugged her.

Simone followed him into the home into the living room. Her face dropped seeing her ex on the floor with her son. Shay's laughter filled the room as he sat in Jordan's lap. Jordan made funny voices as he raced the little cars.

"Oh, Simone!" Shanelle voiced causing Jordan to look up.

Jordan knew that they broke up but he had an attachment from day one. While Simone was in Atlanta, he visited and visited often even with his busy schedule. Shay was officially one and that meant he had an over the top birthday party planned to the tee by Tina and Robert.

Simone hugged Shanelle and wished them a good evening. She never thought she would be stuck here with her ex playing baby sitter. She wanted to say things were on good terms but they went weeks with no communication. Simone had enough on her plate.

She sat her bag down and the bags of food. It was mostly enough for her and Shay. Simone could be civil but what could she really say to a man that didn't want to end things? She watched Shay get up making his way to her. His little arms wrapping around her. His lips pressed against her cheek.

"Mama sad?"

"No. Mama happy to see you." She tickled him.

Children felt and observed everything. She never wanted to reflect her feelings about Jordan onto him. They both loved Shay and Simone wasn't going to sit here trying to tear them from each other. She could tell that this could either be awkward or a good time. It was like they broke up and went back to being strangers which is what she didn't want to happen.

"It's good to see you." Jordan watched Shay hand him a chicken nugget.

"No, I don't want that buddy. That's yours."

"Yeah, you too. I didn't expect you to be here." Simone admitted dumping fries onto the plate.

"Tariq needed a last minute baby sitter so..." Jordan shrugged his shoulders. He had a good relationship despite Shay not being biologically his.

"I am sorry, I was expecting only the two of us but we can split it or I can... make you something." She offered.

Simone could do this. She could be civil with the man she almost married twice. The man she wanted she spend the rest of her life with. She watched Shay return to her lap finally settling on eating his nuggets and not trying to get Jordan to eat them instead.

"You don't have to do any of that."

"Are you saying I am a bad cook?" She tilted her head with smirk across her features.

Jordan brought his knees to his chest locking his fingers together. He wasn't the best cook and what he did learn, it came from the patience of Simone teaching him. He got the basics down that was past a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He was able to survive in the house without resorting to ordering takeout or getting sick from one of JJ's weird food combinations.

"No, I-I just don't want to make things weird."

"Whatever, watch him. I got this. What do you want?"

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now