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Simone yawns over her coffee as she sits at the island. Her eyes went back and fourth watching as her husband pack lunches. It was easy to give them money but Simone and Jordan liked to think that they were teaching their girls to be financially independent while also learning to save. It didn't make sense to always eat out just because they could.

"Lili, Mia! Hurry up!" Simone yelled, almost snorting at Jordan's concentration.

"It is not even 7 am and you are this loud?"

"Well, my baby I slept very well last night." She wiggled her brows, bringing the coffee mug to her lips.

"You don't think they heard us do you?" He leaned in whispering.

"They are not down here, sir. No need to whisper." She smirked.

"Answer the question." His arms rested against the island as he leaned against it.

"Me? No. Now you on the other hand.. Daddy is very vocal."  Simone reached out patting his arm.

"It's okay, daddy. Nobody has to know. Your secret is safe with me."

"What secret is daddy hiding?" Mia popped up, making Jordan jump.

"Nothing, stay out of grown folks business little one." Jordan  zipped up the lunch bag, launching it across the island.

"Where is your sister?"  Simone looked up to ask after being engrossed in a text exchange with Olivia about dinner plans over the weekend at the James household.

"Upstairs trying to make a ugly face beautiful." Mia shrugged, pouring a glass of apple juice.

"Is the part where I remind you that you have the same face?" Jordan arched his brow.

"You and Aunt Liv are fraternal and she's cuter. What's your point?" Mia replied.

Jordan scowled, snatching her lunch bag and opening it. He took out the sandwich he had prepared and bite into it. Mia's jaw dropped as Simone sighed watching Jordan run around the island standing behind her.

"First of all, I am the adult. Secondly, I am your mothers favorite so you can't hit me. She'll take you out." Jordan glared, biting into the sandwich.

"You packed my lunch just to eat it."

"I left you chips. I say a win is a win." Jordan smiled.

"Mommmmmy." Mia complained, crossing her arms.

"Aht Aht, This is between you and I. Don't talk to her. Mommy is on my side."  Jordan boasted, kissing Simone's cheek.

"Aaliyah Jade Baker, You got five seconds to bring your ass downstairs or you will be walking to school! I will not repeat myself."  Simone yelled once again.

"Anyway, mommy. Are you really taking daddy's side over me? Your favorite child." Mia asked sweetly.

"My name is Bennett and I ain't in it." Simone mocked her child's sweet demeanor.

"But he ate my sandwich." She pouted.

"That has nothing to do with me, babygirl. Maybe if you apologize, he might make you a new one." Simone commented, finishing off the rest of her coffee.

The sound of rushed footsteps could be heard as Aaliyah missed the last step and fell. All three looked over at the staircase. Her cheeks flushed seeing her parents and twin sister looking at her. Jordan covered his face to keep from laughing as Mia took it upon herself to laugh at her sister.

"You two are terrible." Simone shook her head sliding off the chair.

"You okay pumpkin?" Simone held out her hands.

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now