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Author's note: this has been in my drafts for the longest so I figured I'd finish it. The actors strike is officially over at midnight but enjoy!!


"Mommy?" Simone's seven year old sat in between her mother's legs as she braided her hair.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"I think it's time for you and Daddy to give me a sister." She said confidently.

"You have your brothers Shay and Jalen, miss girl." Simone reminded.

"It's not the sammmmme. They are boys."  Aaliyah huffed crossing her arms.

"You play with daddy."

"That's his job! He has to entertain me."

"Well no, his job is to throw a football at his wide receiver but you have your brothers." Simone tried again.

"Why can't you just do it?" Aaliyah pouted.

"It's my body and it's my choice. I don't have to do what you told me to do because you think I should. Would you like it if I told older you to give me grandchildren?" Simone questioned.


"There is your answer then babygirl."

"But I want a sister to play with." Her eyes started to fill with tears.

Simone watched her get up and run away with a half done head. She twisted the cap back on the grease and started cleaning up the living room. Simone was in no rush to have another baby. She didn't have a problem with waiting and it wasn't like she was actually on speaking terms with her husband. She made a bowl of ice cream and sat back to catch up on her shows.

If her child wanted to go to school with a half done head then that was on her.  Jordan and Simone always gave their children room to speak their feelings freely. They wanted them to have open communication without crossing a line. Simone had thought about checking in on her but maybe she just needed a nap so she gave her child time to be by herself.


"You know you're going to have to work for this right?"

Jordan looked at Olivia and rolled his eyes. He hated when she was right but she was. His wife wasn't talking to him right now and that wasn't good for any of them. He hated when they were upset with one another  and he hated not talking to her.

"Will you least  tell h-" Liv held up her hands refusing to do another favor for Jordan.

"Sorry J, I am team Simone." She stated proudly.

"Of course you are... as you should." He hated that he was stubborn but so was she.

Jordan sighed, finishing up the film tape so he could go home. He was getting nothing done because he couldn't focus and he had to focus in order to play effectively. Running his hands down his face, he exhaled and snatched up his jacket to head home. He placed the take out bag on the counter and mentally counted the days of how long it's been since he last talked to his wife.

This was pathetic.

He watched her go into the fridge but he slammed it shut. Leaning against the fridge  with crossed arms, he stared her down, wanting her to break. Simone rolled her eyes and walked away. Jordan followed picking her up over his shoulder feeling her hands hit his back. He ignored her walking to their guest bedroom.

"I'm not letting you free until you talk to me." He spoke holding her hands up above her head as he threw one leg across her.

Simone struggled to be let free. Her mind immediately want to claw his eyes out. He made sure not to hurt his precious cargo so he was still gentle.

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now