Everybody Talks [m] - Part 2

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A/N: enjoy  😉


"Darling, do you know what today is?"

The door to the master bed opens just as Simone walks out the bathroom securing her robe. Her gaze shifts seeing her husband with a wooden tray. Fresh flowers, pancakes , egg whites and a mix of pineapples and strawberries with a orange juice.

The one thing that Olivia and Simone had in common with breakfast was their ability to consume expensive orange juice weekly like their life depended on it. Jordan took a moment to stare at his wife. HIS. Nobody else's for as long as he would walk this earth. He got himself lucky because he was way out of his league.

Jordan took three things seriously: his family and football.

"What's all this baby?" Simone waved her finger prepared his childlike excitement.

"First of all, you didn't answer my question." He leaned in towering over her 5 feet and 3 inches.

Every other day, Simone wanted to kick him in the knees for his smart mouth but for as long as she could remember since child hood. He had a slick mouth. He had an answer for everything but she always matched his energy.

"Sounds like my cooking is rubbing off on you." She proudly bowed at her accomplishment. Her hard work had paid off.

It always helped that during her pregnancy, her late night cravings were insane so Jordan had took it upon himself to just get ingredients to make majority of what she was in the mood for. It was sometimes the weirdest thing. No matter if her pregnancy pillow had taken up their bed, he wanted her well feed and happy.

Now they were parents to pre-teen twin girls.

"This is just a little something to get your day started. Don't be dramatic Baker." He sat the tray on the night stand before sitting on their bed.

"You are more dramatic than me." She pushed his knees slipping between them. Simone shook her head feeling his fingers trail against the back of her legs.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jordan tilted his head.

"Does it freak you out?" She wrapped her arms around his neck giving a small smile.

"Never, just wondering what's going on in that brilliant mind of yours?"

"Let's see... first thing first, How you are the greatest part of my life even if you get on my last nerves. Mmmm... How lucky I am to call you mine for the last twelve years... How annoying it is that you only get finer year after year... Should I keep going Mr. Baker?"

"I'm seeing the vision, continue." Jordan let his eyes travel seeing her grab a strawberry. She took a tiny bite.

"I love how much you love. You have the biggest heart and I love how much of a girl dad you've become. Rather it's attempting to help them with homework, helping them practice or just making them laugh with your dad jokes." She held the other half of the strawberry up to his lips.

"Anything else?" He muttered, biting into the other half.

"Over time, I realized how much I can't imagine my life without you in it and the home we created together. I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for loving me even if you gave nobody else the chance too." Simone crashed her body into his watching him fall back, bringing her with.

"I am just glad you said all that without crying." Jordan was quick to grab her arm before she punched him.

"I can and will take all that back." Simone protested inching closer to his face, dropping her forehead against his.

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