talk to me nice.

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Author's note: if you know, you know.. here's my version if this happened in the aau 😭


"I think that Jordan Baker is the prize. His wife is just his wife. Everyone knows who Jordan is but nobody knows who his wife is."

Jordan paused the video clip trying to take deep breathes. He couldn't believe what his publicist was showing him. The clip was taken from a man that had ran a podcast. The quote was from his former teammate. A man that was traded three times at that.

"You can't show this to her." Jordan didn't even want her to see it.

"She has an interview tomorrow. You know this will be a hot topic." Mila shrugged.

"She isn't some trophy wife."

"I know." Mila figured it was best to let Jordan rant to her versus going on social media.

"She has had more matches than he ever played."

"Trust me, the people are very aware of who Simone is. You both have your own name outside of each other." Mila had been working for Jordan for three years now. Jordan and Simone had been married for six years thus far.

"He is out of his damn mind."

Jordan was close to texting the man himself until Mila snatched the phone from his hands.

"She is a big girl. She doesn't need her 6'2 knight in shining cleats husband coming to her rescue like she is a damsel. I know you are always ready to blow heads off for her but this is nothing."

"Mila, I can't just sit back."  He chewed on the inside of his cheek.

"If you don't do it for the sake of me having to clean up your mess then do it for her. She got this." Mila patted his shoulder.

"I know and that's what I am afraid of." Jordan shook his head finally giving up.

Simone herself had seen the clip circulating all day on social media. She was getting emails and text messages left and right. People wanted her comment on it. She was choosing to stay silent for now.

"I can always say something." Jordan spoke up, ready for battle.

"Baby love, you saying something would involve your fists and nfl fines." She rolled over sitting the laptop on the nightstand.

"You do know that I am not the prize right?" Jordan stroked her hair peering down at her.

"You are a prize to me but I know."

"I don't like him saying anything about you. Nobody even knows who he is."  Jordan was trying not to get fired up again over it.

"I am not worried about the gossip. I know who I am. I know my worth and I know what we are to each other. We are equal. There is no competition."

" I want you to outshine me in every way. On the court, On the sidelines. I want them to see how bad ass you are and how beautiful your heart is."

"They just want you with a white woman." Simone said honestly.

"No woman ever compares to you."

"Well thank you, baby. He just wanted to feel relevant."

"Are you sure there isn't anything I can do?" He asked.

"If it is not kissing me then I am afraid not sir."

"You don't have to tell me twice."


Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now