Waiting For You

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Every single time Simone turned on the television it felt like she was haunted by Jordan Baker. He was on every sports channel every time they won a game. His relationship with his wife was flaunted in her face. They minus well had been Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson. Simone sucked her teeth dipping the strawberry in the whipped cream.

It had been six years. A lot had changed since they broke up in college. Simone had a two year engagement with Lando that she broke off. They decided to go their separate ways. Jordan's relationship with Layla Keating had been going well so it seemed. They appeared to be happy but as far as Simone knew, they didn't have children.

Which was funny because Layla back in high school was positive she would have a little girl that she would name after her mother.

Simone flipped the channel settling on Coming to America. A film she had seen a million times over thanks to her father. For a while now, she had vivid dreams. The life she would've had if she didn't break up with Jordan. It was all too real if you asked her.

She woke up the next morning and decided to hit the courts. Any chance to be practicing , she took it. Even with a Wimbledon title to her name, she was still wanting to be better than her last match. She pressed her lips together taking a water break.

Her phone rang seeing an unfamiliar number pop up. Usually she would send it straight to voicemail but something told her to pick it up.

"Domino's pizza. What can I get you?" She answered.

"Simone?" The voice on the other end felt like a dream.

"Jordan?" She was confused on how he even got her number.

"I got your number from Liv. I hope it's okay. I should've texted first."

"Yeah, maybe. What do you need?"

"Can we meet up and talk?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, Jordan."

She knew the moment that Jordan and her were spotted, the media would run with a story of him cheating on Layla. Simone did well with keeping her personal life separate from her professional life. She played her sport and went home. She choose peace over bullshit - like this moment.

"Please." He asked so softly she could barely make it out.


Simone learned a long time ago to protect her heart. She had stopped giving into love after Lando. If the whole romance was meant to happen then it would find her. She was no longer chasing after anything that didn't serve her. She vibrated her lips together feeling like it was already a bad idea.

However, she went home and showered to meet with Jordan at a upscale restaurant. She walked in following behind the hostess. The hostess had already mentioned he was waiting for her and that made her stomach do a turn.

She hadn't seen him in person - only on television. It was weird to see him in the flesh again. He no longer looked like a boy trying to grow facial hair or the time he cut himself shaving in her bathroom. He had a lot more facial hair that was still a clean look.

Thank god he got rid of the horrible handlebar look from last season.

"Hi." Jordan took in her appearance.

Brown butterfly locs framing her face, the glow of her skin. The change of appearance showing her more grown figure in the wine colored backless dress that he noticed when she sat down. He felt like cat got his tongue which only made a smile a bit.

That same smile had his stomach doing somersaults.

"See you something you like?" She spoke up.

"Um, thanks for meeting me." He started off.

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now