girl with the tattoo

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"Spencer is going to kill you."

The voice behind Jordan speaks up and he inserted the key turning it. Maybe it was a terrible sin to do this. However, the James cabin was collecting dust and nobody, not even Spencer, had used it in years. Jordan considered it his civic duty to make sure it wasn't just being unoccupied. He feels hands around wrap him as he pushed open the door.

"I'm sorry, you had no complaints when you realized the twins were staying with your parents."

"That was before you blind folded me." Simone poked his side.

"Spencer won't know as long as we clean up which we will."

"You lost me at we, my sweet boy." Simone laughed, feeling for the light switch.

"WE are a team so yes WE will clean up OUR mess." Jordan stressed the words before leaving to retrieve the bags from the car.

Simone sighed while taking in the cabin and the decor that never changed. The last time she was here, well it was gut wrenching to say the least. It felt like walking on egg shells that weekend. They were moving in two different places and it took years for them to come back to each other.

Marriage, children and careers that they strived in was always the long term goal. Their college years were spent apart seeing other people and exploring who they were outside of each other. Jordan returned with their luggage and closed the door behind him. When he had mentioned a mini vacation, Simone never thought he meant the cabin of all places.

"Remember when they caught us?" Simone laughed at the memory.

"Yeah and somehow your little legs beat me to dock."

"Not my fault you slowed down. I am starting to think you did it on purpose. You wanted to be in the handcuffs." Simone nodded her head.

"Maybe so. I guess we'll never know." He closed the space between them, lifting her chin and kissing her. Her arms wrapped around his waist resting her chin against his chest.

"I got an idea." She sang , grinning.

"You want to challenge me again don't you?"

"I mean it's only fair."

"Does that mean you packed handcuffs."

"Oh, Did I!" She went through her bag pulling out options.

There was silver Gucci pair of handcuffs, pink fuzzy ones and a pair of ankle cuffs. Jordan looked at the options then back at her. She winked and her jaw dropped the moment he turned running out the front door.,

"You are such a cheater!" She screamed running after him.

"I like being a winner." He whispered, peeling his shirt over his head, dropping it in the lawn chair.

"Skinny dipping, Baker?" Simone watched him continued.

"I'll warm you up after. Come on."  He motioned with his hands.

It took a minute to adjust to the cold water. He rested on the edge of the dock watching her undress. The lights were bright enough that he caught a glimpse of his jersey number tattoo on her lower back. It was the perfect reminder of just how far they had come and silly choices they made as teenagers. He had figured she would've gotten it removed.

"You have the worst ideas, babe." She sat down in front of him.

"The water takes some adjusting but nothing wrong with skinny dipping. It's not like we won't take a shower." He defended his idea, resting his arms on her legs.

Simone caved and slipped in the water , cursing the moment the coldness hit her. She clung onto her husband as he carried them a little further into the water. Her forehead pressed against his for moment. She pressed her lips against him kissing him softly. The kiss deepened and the feeling of once being  two teenagers madly in love hit Simone like a ton of bricks.

"We made it." She whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"We survived being apart and almost being with other people. We broke up and grew up then we found each other again. Everyone was positive that it would be for good but we made it. We're happy and we are still married. Not many people can say that you know?"

She never thought that their high school reunion would bring them back together again. She thought that she was over him but the truth was, she never got over him. She tried to find bits and pieces of him in every single relationship since rather it went far or didn't. Her relationship with Damon was long distance and short lived. They weren't meant to be and she knew that.

She wanted to try because he was one of her best friends but he wasn't meant to be her lover. Now they didn't talk anymore. Jordan ended up going back out with Ripley and the relationship ended when she almost tried to kill them while drunk driving one night.  He had no plans to attend the reunion. There was nobody that he wanted to see or get updates from.

Now, he would do it all over again. If it meant being in this moment with his wife and the moments in the between like the doctors appointments, watching her give birth to their twins , the traveling and support. He never loved or looked at a woman with as much adoration as he did her.

"I always knew you were my soulmate." He remembered the conversation with his grandfather at the cafe.

"Oh really?" Her eyes widened wanting to hear more of his revelation.

"Of course. It just always felt right with you. It felt like we deserved the second chance but everything was rushed before. We had too much love for each other and we didn't know how to make it work back then. I think we needed the break , the time to miss each other. I missed you every day."

He had eventually moved on. He figured that there was no chance of them ever getting back together. Now, he never know why he doubted it. They had clung to each other that reunion night keeping each other company. They had talked all night, danced and went out for a drink. That one night turned into Simone getting pregnant which was a shock to them both.

"I don't think I ever saw myself in love. My parents didn't really have that, I didn't grow up around people that showed affection so I know I was very closed off. You were the person that broke those walls. I always felt alone and like I didn't fit in until you."

Simone's childhood was built on lies. She spent years thinking her family was just too busy for her. The whole time, they were hiding a secret her entire life. She was always told that her aunt and her favored more than herself and her mother. She never thought it would be true but she got curious. Finding it out on her own while her parents were away on business trips at almost midnight was heartbreaking.

She remembered the tears she cried that night and how the only person she wanted was no longer in life in the way she wanted. Yet, one phone call and he was there. It didn't matter if they were no longer together at that time, she was hurting and no matter the circumstances, Jordan was always home for her.

"You saved me."

"I don't think I did much of anything." He looked at her puzzled

"You did because at that point , I was so tired of everything. I was tired of the lies, I was tired of people leaving. I was tired of trying to make myself happy. It just seemed like one thing after another and I just wanted to end everything but you held me and I felt safe. I felt wanted."  She admitted.

"So thank you."

"Anytime, darling."  He replied sincerely.

After he while he helped her back onto the dock and collected their clothes. Running back inside, Jordan set the alarm and the pair took a shower together which in turn into shower sex. Simone sat under a blanket while he started the fire place.

"So no handcuffs?" He pulled her into him kissing the top of her forehead.

"No, I think the shower was enough. Cuddles and booty rubs." She grinned.


Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now