Made for me

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Authors note: Thanks to anybody that has stuck around and had patience to continue reading. The muse has been hit or miss but I hope you enjoy, happy July y'all!


SOS! seen at 4:30 pm
SOS! seen at 4:45 pm
OLIVIA! I need you right now. seen at 4:50 pm

The pings as Olivia helped get everything ready for her best friend was distracting. She sighed looking at the multiple missed calls and text messages from her twin brother, Liv sighed looking at Layla in her wedding dress. Truth be told , she never saw this coming. It was never something she saw happening. It was almost weird but she respected the relationship.

She loved her brother and as much as they fought, Liv wanted to be there for Jordan. Sometimes she questioned that happiness. Especially when their father died, it seemed like things just turned to shit and it was easy to read him like a book.

He was hurting. He was still hurting. She knew he was making yet another mistake. The engagement was called off four months later, Layla put everything into Patience but ultimately the depression and whole situation became unbearable. The vortex shifted but the one thing that remained consistent was Spencer.

Her friendship with Kia and Davita blossomed even more. She had her own little girl gang and moving out of state was the best decision she did for herself. Kia and Olivia were roommates but they needed a third thus it was no brainer to pull Simone into the mix. Coming back just brought up memories , some good - some bad.

She wasn't sure if being here was the right thing to do. Liv snapped out of her head when she seen Layla wave her hands in her face. She knew she had to plaster the fakest smile that she could muster.

"Are you okay Liv?" She inquired.

"Um, I gotta check on something. Ugh, you look beautiful. Give me like.. five minutes. I think." Liv held up her hand, grinned walking backwards towards the door.

"Is everything okay?" Layla's face instantly showed worry. Her guard wanted to build up walls.

"Yes, I just want to check on Spencer."

It was kind of a lie but then again Spencer was his best man. Layla smiled and understood seeing Laura come in as soon as Liv was rushing out the door. Liv yanked the blonde before she could step a single heel in.

"Livvie, what's going on?" Laura's voice showed concerned.

Olivia looked towards the door containing the bride and motioned for her mother to follow her down the hall and out of Layla's ear shot.

"Olivia." Her mother addressed her again.

"It's a twin thing, I think." She was even still confused.

"What do you mean a twin thing?"

"I don't know your son kept texting me and I don't think it's a good thing." She winced showing her the countless text messages that only followed with new ones from Spencer about it.

"Hey. Did you get my text messages?"

The Baker women jumped at the sight of Spencer. Liv took a moment to take him in, heat immediately coming to her cheeks. She knew Spencer could read her mind because his eyes trailed from her face to the dress adoring her frame.

"Uh hello, I am standing right here." Laura pointed downwards.

Even Laura got flashbacks of her wedding day with Billy. It was a whirlwind day filled with love. Olivia was three and she ran down the aisle throwing flowers with the help of her nana. Jordan on the other hand kept dozing off on her grandfather's lap that day so he wasn't much help being the ring bearer but Laura remembered the day like it was yesterday. She hadn't tried to date but it was okay because she had Denise , her little sister and sometimes Grace to keep her out of her own head. It was a struggle but eventually she moved back into the house she built with her husband and twins.

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now