When I saw you

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"Kia, why aren't you telling me anything?" Simone huffed, slipping on her heels. She hasn't been on a date in ages.

"Because it's called a blind date for a reason sweetie." Kia pinched her best friend's cheek.

They had been ride or die since they were six. You couldn't see one without the other. They had been through thick and thin from everything under the sun. It was no surprise that after Simone's breakup with Lando that she was going to give up. However, Kia had a hidden secret.

"You are going to be blown away." It was four months to the date of her being a single woman again

"I hate blind dates. I have never been on one before." She wasn't a tinder kind of girl. She actually hated social media.

"That is the beauty of a blind date. A new experience. Trust me, If I didn't think you'd be perfect for each other then I wouldn't be doing this." Kia took the straightener through her hair once Simone got situated. Her hair was always last just in case.

"Can you least tell me something about him?"

"He's an athlete." Kia shrugged giving her best friend a smile.

"Ugh, not a dumb jock." Simone frowned, she hated this already.

"He isn't dumb. You like cheesy though so it's perfect like I said." Kia defend her choice.

"That sounds even worse, Kia. No, I am not going."


"Why am I letting you set me up on a blind date?" Jordan fixed the cuffs on his denim button up.

"Because you're lonely, single and desperate." Olivia taunted, kicking her feet back and fourth on his bed. They co-slept as children so nothing was new.

"You're aren't helping woman." Spencer shook his head plopping in Jordan's computer chair.

"Oh, I wasn't trying too. I still stand by what I said." Liv stuck out her tongue at her boyfriend of what felt like a decade by now.

"I don't have a problem getting dates." Jordan looked between the pair.

"No, but you have a problem finding the one." Spencer took a seat next to Liv stretching out his limbs.

"And what makes you seem so sure that this is the one?" Jordan asked using air quotes around the word.

"Anybody with a pulse willing to date you and put up with you has to be a god send." Liv held up her hands at the frown her twin showed.

"I am kidding! You're a great guy.. depending on the day and you need to step out of your comfort zone."

"Are y'all saying that I have a type?"

"Caucasian." Spencer replied.

"Cheerleader." Liv added.

"Blonde and looks like your mother." Liv and Spencer said at the same time.

"I have never dated any one that has looked like mom. I do not have mommy issues. I just happen to like blondes." Jordan defended his past choices

"Again, we are pushing you out of your comfort zone." Spencer spoke up.

"Can you least tell me something about her."

"I would date her." Liv smirked.

"How is that helping?" Jordan tilted his head at his twin who simply mocked him per usual.

"What Olivia means is that she is probably out of your league for you but let's you know she is attractive."  Spencer teased.

"That's it... I am not going."

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now