don't forget about us.

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Author's note: enjoy this fluff. Ight bye!

The loudness of the ninja bullet blocks out the knocking on the door of Amara's apartment. Well, now it belonged to Simone as her aunt moved out of state. Instead of going back to California, Simone decided to finish up her semester and take over her aunt's apartment. It was refreshing having something that was solely hers. She had even gotten permission to decorate it because as her aunt put it "it's yours now babygirl."

"I'm coming!" Simone tightened her robe.

She checked the clock on the oven not expecting anyone this early as it wasn't even 10 am yet. She looked out the peephole but saw no one. The voice on the other side whispered it was "me" and for a moment, her delusional brain tricked her into believing the voice belonged to her ex.

They had been talking more - mostly about their careers in their respective fields. She had been keeping up with his stats and he had been having an incredible season so far and they were understanding each other in wanting to decide on rather to go pro or not.

"Hi." He rasped.

Simone blinked trying to process that he was here in front of her. Standing, breathing , looking older with a duffle bag slung on his arm. She had a minor injury and she remembered telling him about it. She was waiting for clearance and so far, it sucked.

"Wha-What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you." He shrugged his shoulders like it was out of the ordinary.

"You hopped on a plane in the middle of your season that you're doing phenomenal at , in the middle of wedding planning, possibility of drafting to come check on me?"

"There is a lot to catch you up on. Is it okay if I come in? I know we aren't exactly friends and we've been getting back to the real thing and I should've called and not just shown up but things back home have been… I just needed to see a face that would be in my corner I hope anyway." Jordan rushed out barely catching his breath.

"Come on." She stepped aside giving him room to enter.

Her eyes followed him unintentionally. She snapped out of it to close the door behind him locking it. She walked into the kitchen grabbing the mason jar to pour the smoothie in.

"Do you want half?" She offered.

"Um, yeah. Sure. Thanks, soooo…"

"I am fine, Jordan. You didn't have to come."

"I wanted too. I wanted to see you despite how suffocating California has been. I wanted to see you face to face, FaceTime doesn't do you any justice." He leaned on the island resting his arms on top watching her grab another glass from the cabinet.

"And Layla is okay with this?"

"I called off the engagement. She has been taking antidepressants to feel something and kept it hidden from me then she lied about how many doses she was taking. She has been avoiding me and confinding more in her business partner. She wanted me to focus more on myself so I am."

"Well, Football can never let you down at least." Simone replied.

"Yeah, neither can you." Jordan muttered.

"What?" She slides the glass across the island.

"You've always been in my corner rather we were good or not. I appreciate that and I respect our relationship for what it was. So, what did the doctor say? How long until your hamstring is good?"

"About six more weeks, now I feel like there is more to why you are in and being dressed in a robe and booty shorts in front of my ex is not the right move for such a conversation." Simone said pulling away from the island.

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now