i miss you.

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Author's note: Beyoncé's I miss you came on and here we are.  This just a little bit of pain idk.


Simone had no plans on being back in Beverly. However, Shay's fifth birthday was coming up. She had made a life in Atlanta after graduating. She had been in a relationship with Damon that turned into long distance once he decided to go pro. Landing at LAX, Simone was greeted by Liv or rather jumped.

"What are you doing here?"

"You thought I was going to let you take an Uber? Are you crazy?" Liv linked arms with her snatching her luggage.

"It would've been fine Liv."

"I haven't seen you in four years, Simone. That's crazy."

When Simone decided to cut off Beverly, that meant everyone in the stupid little "vortex" even Liv. It wasn't intentional but having spent so much time with Liv and Jordan in their home , living with them and Spencer was a lot. It was too many memories that she didn't want to have linger in her brain. She needed to cut any and all ties that weren't her son.

"Look I just want to get through this weekend." Simone didn't mean to be dismissive but she knew her tone was less than pleasant.

"You know he is going to find out."

"Olivia, I don't care. We've been over. He moved on and so have I." She lied straight through her teeth.

He was constantly in the spotlight for his podcast with Spencer. His football highlights would appear on her feed or someone would mention how well Jordan and his fiancee, Kira fit together. It almost felt like a slap in the face. She wasn't sure if Jordan was actually in love with her or he was just grieving his father.

The proposal less than a year from their breakup made no sense to her. However, if Jordan was happy then that's all she wanted. The car ride to the hotel was silent. Olivia had offered a room but Simone had declined. She didn't want any off chance encounter of running into Jordan.

"Thank you, Liv."

"Yeah, of course. Are you sure you're okay?" Liv pouted looking at her ex sister in law.

"I'm fine. I'll see you around." She promised, loosely.

After checking in to her room, Simone ordered sushi to be delivered. She  talked with Shantelle and had plans to go hunt for a birthday gift for Shay. With brand deals , Simone had a good amount of money split between saving and buying. She stretched and knew where every dollar was going. 5 was a big deal and she might've went a little over board.

"Did you buy the whole store?" Tariq peeked into the trunk.

"No." Simone blushed.

"I just want him to have a great birthday."

"Simone, you being here will be the highlight of his day."

And she was right. The moment that Simone and Shay made eye contact, he screamed her name and ran to her giving her the biggest hug.

"I missed you." The three little words almost made her tear up.

"I missed you too stink."

The party was well under way with Shay running around with his friends. He was having a ball and that meant pulling Simone into some of the activities. Jordan slipped through the gate walking into the backyard. Tariq is the first to spot the professional player and flagged him down.

"I hope I didn't miss anything." His eyes scanned the room.

They landed and felt stuck on Simone. He wasn't shocked that she was here because she had every right. It was him that felt out of place all of a sudden. He took in her appearance, the brown jumpsuit to match her now brown locks of hair. The thicker but muscular body that showed she kept up with maintaining her body but also eating good. The laugh as waking up all his senses as Simone danced with Shay.

"You know you could just go talk to her." Shanelle walked up behind him.

"Nah. She is having a moment. I don't want to ruin that."  Jordan shook his head.

"You are his father."  She whispered.

"I know but she still thinks it's Dane's."

Jordan had wondered what if so with Shanelle and Tariq's permission he had did a test. He never thought it would be true. He had slim thoughts but he didn't want to get his hopes up. It was a secret between the three. Jordan was even unsure how he'd even tell Simone the actual truth.

He dropped off his gifts and made his way to Shay once he was playing by himself. His tiny hands wrapping around his neck was the icing on the cake.
He was positive he could feel eyes on them. When he looked up, he locked eyes with Simone. There was no words exchanged as Jordan pulled away.

"Enjoy your day baby boy."

"You aren't staying?" Shay said sadly.

"I am sorry, but you have your parents plus mama here." He gently poked him in the stomach.

"But you won't be."

"I know but you have lots of presents, I promise I'll make it up to you."  Jordan tried not to get sucked into those same brown eyes that Shay shared with his mother.

"Okay, fine." The saddest little tone almost broke Jordan's heart into a little pieces.

"Jordan?" The voice behind him calls out.

In that moment, his heart races and he stands to his feet towering over her. She is surprised as she takes in his appearance and his overall being as being present. She isn't sure what to say because sometimes words weren't needed.

"Hi Sim."

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now