The Bones

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A/N: Happy low vibrational plate day y'all. Enjoy a little core four / Jimone Friendsgiving 2.0 🤭

"You think I should invite Coop and Layla?" Olivia asked Simone, seeing the other woman dig into a bag of popcorn.

"You mean the same Coop that had a vendetta against you and the same Layla that had it out for you because Spencer wanted you not her? The same Layla who I ever so kindly put in my second wedding who secretly got together in a very bland stale relationship with my now again husband? That Layla? Please use logic babygirl." Simone tossed some kernels in her mouth.

Simone wouldn't be caught dead with either of them. She could tolerate Layla in very small doses post college but on a holiday? Absolutely not. Olivia and Spencer were hosting Friendsgiving at their first home together. Naturally, Simone came for the food but it wasn't complete without her infamous Mac and cheese. Liv didn't trust anybody else with the side dish unless it was her mother in law.

"I know but I wanted to be cordial."

"Yeah and my hand is still hot ready to smack that girl but I am a lady.." Simone was going to force her best friend to protect her peace by all means.

"Ugh, you're right." Olivia sighed twirling the pen in her hand.

"So, who is actually on the guest list?"

"Us four , my parents , his parents , siblings , Jaymee and Asher , Kia is coming in from New York , JR is bringing Gabrielle , Cam is somehow allowed to enter this home and he's bringing Keisha."

"What about Patience?"

"Oh, you didn't know.. her and Layla are a thing." Olivia said it too casually causing Simone to nearly choke

"I'm sorry what? Layla Keating came out?" Simone's eyes widened trying to make sense of it all.

"Yeah. P posted it on her stories two months ago."

"A true homie hopper, can't believe I stole your brother's soul and ultimately turned Layla onto Patience. Damn, the power is truly in the pussy."

"Simone!" Olivia's jaw dropped.

"What? You were thinking it too, I'll be the devil on your shoulder for you." She winked.

"So, what am I supposed to be cooking?" Liv switched the subject

"You know how to work a stove?" Simone didn't mean to take a jab, it slipped.

Simone heard the door open and in walked her husband and brother in law with bags of groceries chatting amongst themselves. Sitting them on the island, the men split the work of putting up everything. Jordan slide in the seat next to her bumping shoulders with his wife.

"Can you please encourage your lovely sister that cooking is not her forte?" Simone laced her hand with his, feeling his lips kiss the back of her hand.

"Hey! Not everybody is skilled in the kitchen. She's skilled in other areas." Spencer defended.

"In front of my ice cream? Have some respect." Jordan handed a spoon over to his wife.

"It's not like either of the twins can cook." Spencer shot a glance at Jordan.

"Ah, Spencer James. That is where our lovely half white twins are different." Simone boasted.

"You taught him.... To cook before me?!" Olivia pouted.

"I sure did. Late nights being bored ended up with cooking lessons. And I have to say... I taught him so well. Y'all mama may have created y'all... cheers to that but I put in the work to rewire his hoe ways into a work of art. He's a real man now." Simone grinned digging her spoon into the ice cream.

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now