Love Language

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Author's note: for japrilheaux and all my domestic jimone lovers.



A little voice broke Jordan out of his devour of waffles. He looked over at his baby girl awaiting for question for the day. It was a little after 8 am and he had no idea how she was bright eyed , always ready to start the day. Simone was away for a game so he was one against one. Least Liv didn't leave him to suffer and came over last night to do his child's hair in Simone's absence.

It was Simone's number one rule: Liv does her hair in her absence.

"Yes my precious?" He responded. Jordan brought his glass of orange juice to his lips. She had a curious mind

"What's sex?" 

Jordan spit out his drink seeing it cover half of the island. Of course she thought it was hilarious and it threw him off. He scratched the side of his face mentally cursing his wife for leaving him with this question.

"I'm sorry.. I think daddy needs to clean his ears. Can you repeat the question a little slowly." He grabbed napkins.

"What is sex?." Aaliyah repeated.

"Ummmm.." Jordan felt stumped.

He was sure they stared at each other for five minutes.

"It's um. It's l-like dessert that only adults get to do." He stumbled over his words. However , he  felt good about the answer.

"If I am not a grown up, can I still have it?" She smiled sweetly.

"Nooooo. You are allergic. You won't like it. It's really... um, sticky." Jordan winced at his poor word choice.

"Ew."  She scrunched up her nose.

"Exactly Kiddo! It is very gross. Come on, get your shoes. You are going to be late and Daddy has practice."  Anything to change the subject at this point.

"Okayyyy." Aaliyah jumped down from the seat running to collect her shoes.

Jordan wasn't allow to walk her inside anymore. She was a big girl according to herself so it was more so kisses before she ran to join her friends. She was eight going on eighteen. Aaliyah was a surprise baby. She was sort of unplanned but it wasn't like they never discussed having children.

"Have a good day princess. I love you."

"I love you too. Wait! Can we can call mama?"

"She might be busy but sure."

Jordan hit face time and was met with his wife's assistant. He could hear his wife's frustration in the back. He laughed asking politely for his little 5'3 athlete to put on the phone. The moment he could see Aaliyah trying to grab his phone he moved out of the way.

"I get first dips, ma'am. You wouldn't be here without me, sit down!" Jordan was stern but still playful.

He found humor in her little attitude.  He stuck his tongue out seeing the same annoyed look on her face that screamed his wife. Jordan chuckled going back to his phone seeing his wife wipe her face. Who knew sweat could actually be a turn on?

"You pick the worst time to call,  husband. I look a mess." She wrinkled her nose.

"You look perfect, wife. Besides...why use a towel when..."

"Daddy!" Aaliyah screamed.

"Yeah, Daddy!" Simone scolded.

"I'll show you who is Daddy." Jordan whispered low enough for only his wife to catch on. He flashed a smile.

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now