Love you a little bit

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"You look a lot happier." Laura nudged her son.

"What are you talking about?" Jordan looked at his phone briefly.

"I think you know. Someone has been making you happy."

"And you got that conclusion from..."  her son wasn't catching on.

"The way your face lights up when you get a new text message. How you laugh randomly when nothing funny is happening. Should I continue?" Laura handed over the stack of documents for him to file.

"I watch tik toks. No big deal."

"You giggled." Laura pointed out.

"I do not giggle mom." Jordan shook his head.

"Does this have to do with Simone?"

"What? That's.. Simone and I are just friends." He thought that was obvious.

"Sure. Just friends don't look at each other like that. I know love when I see it baby."

"I mean of course I love her, she's one of my best friends."

"I do not mean platonically and you know it."

Jordan hadn't thought about it. Maybe she had somewhat of a point. She had him at hello on the playground when they were seven. He got injured and she was the only one that made sure he was okay. Olivia had ran hating to see the sight of blood but she stayed holding his hand. They were always close but never crossed that line. She was always Olivia's best friend.

"She is Olivia's best friend. There is nothing there."

"Liar. You don't have to lie to me." Laura smiled.

"Please stop smiling." Jordan could feel his cheeks heat up."

"You like her more than a friend."

"I mean we're close. When Layla decided to move to New York our senior year, it was just... her and I. She was always there , always around. I mean she lived with us."

"Simone is my bonus kid at this point."

"I know."  He knew that his mom adored her.

"I think you should just go for it."

"You are really encouraging this?" Jordan laughed leaning back in the computer chair.

"You two have always been more comfortable with each other than you want to admit, I am sure there are things you've told her that you never shared with Layla. Correct?"

"You don't pay me to sit on my behind mom. I have to file these documents." Jordan cleared his throat going through them.

"Fine, I'll leave you alone but don't hide your feelings in fear of rejection, my love. I love Simone and I know you do too. She always had my approval." Laura winked going back into her office.

He went back to filing and answering calls. He never thought he'd work for his mom but he had found quite the interest in helping people in the way she did. When his dad died , things shifted including steering away from football. That didn't stop him from attending GAU games and supporting on the sidelines with Simone right beside him.

He finished up and got ready for a party. One he wasn't sure he wanted to attend. He was idle on the wall seeing her pushing through people that towered over her. He gave her a smile trying to fight the feeling of all the butterflies he felt.

They were always close. Layla knew it , she pointed it out even. They knew long distance wasn't in their favor and he knew he that denied any and all feelings for Simone. She was his friend. He was hers and that was it. She was everything that he hoped Layla was. Not that Layla wasn't a strong woman but sometimes her lack of confidence came into play a lot and her need to keep things hidden drained him.

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now