Summer Love - Part 2 [M]

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What happened over summer was a lot to take in. A secret between two best friends. It was always Simone and the Baker twins then it became Spencer , Simone and the Baker twins. Simone had never stepped on anyone's toes. She was always around Jordan. You couldn't find one without the other. If she wasn't with Jordan then she was with Olivia. They were a foursome.

Then Layla entered the picture in high school.

The dynamic never changed. Simone was always kind to the girl but she never expected Jordan and Layla to date. It was obvious, Layla was popular to be well, popular. Jordan was the star quarterback, it was simple math if you asked her. It was bound to happen. She pushed any and all feelings for Jordan Baker to the side. Least she had thought she had.

The summer bash at the beach house was underway. They had a bon fire on the beach and loud music. Simone barely knew any of the students. She was home for summer and that meant sticking to Olivia or Spencer. New people weren't her thing. Conversations had been lackluster so she was off to the side cradling her third cup of the evening.

From a distance, she spotted Jordan. She gave a wave and suddenly, he was making his way through the crowd. He had even avoided stopping for Layla. Truth be told, she saw his mouth move and didn't pay attention to anything he said. She nodded, maybe that would show she was listening.

Jordan had been with Layla all night. He threw back drinks and tried to interact with other students. He didn't know half of them. He was sure the majority were people that JJ came across. Jordan wasn't as social anymore. He was more focused on winning games than partying. From where he stood, he could tell his best friend was off in her own little world. They locked eyes over the course of the party. Subtle stares and soft smiles from across the room.

She hadn't interacted with many. It was mostly Olivia. Jordan always had Simone when he needed her without fail. He never thought Layla would go to rehab or almost die. He never thought he would get a concussion either. All the moments in his life , rather big or small - Simone was there. He never had to question her loyalty. Every single game , every single birthday party , every milestone.

Over the years, he dated. They were mostly flings and nothing to write home about until Layla. Layla was wonderful but it was still something about Simone that made him into a complete puddle. She was the one that encouraged him to go after Layla. Simone always gave him advice - good advice because quite frankly, flirting wasn't his strong suit.

"Simone...." His hand waved in her face.

Her eyes peered up at him. The height difference clear as day. He chuckled lowly knowing that she didn't hear a word he said. Jordan gripped the red solo cup with his teeth offering his hands. Simone looked at him in confusion. He gestured for her to take them.

"Noooo. I don't want too." She shook her head.

"One dance." He mumbled.

"Absolutely not." Simone backed away.


"Babe, I have to go." Layla walked up.

"Huh? Okay." He mouthed that he'll be back.

Jordan walked Layla to the door, she had business to attend. He offered to go with but she declined. Something about he would find it boring and he shouldn't leave his guests. She was half right, he didn't want to leave Simone by herself. He had no idea where Spencer and Olivia ran off too.

The party ran for another two hours. Simone stayed to help him clean up the mess. He poured them another drink gesturing for them to go outside onto the beach. His arm rested on her shoulder as they walked down the board walk bare foot.

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