little me

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Author's note: just something quick and funny based on a series of tweets of kids discovering relations in their family. Happy Wednesday!

"I don't get it." The four year old's big brown eyes looked up at her grandfather.

"Nana Laura and I are married." Billy explained.

"Oh, this is going to be hilarious."  Simone tucked in her lip.

"Dear lord, help me." Jordan stared at the ceiling.

"Well babygirl, a long time ago Nana Laura and I met and fell in love then we got married. Married means we sleep in the same bed and like spending time together." He said.

"Sleep in the same bed? Ew."  Her little face scrunched up.

"Not ew."  Simone snorted leaning against her husband's shoulder.

"I actually quite like it." Laura chimed in.

"Kill me, please please please." Jordan begged falling into Simone's lap.

"No, you gotta live to see this. I am having a blast!" Simone poked fun, running her fingers through his curls.

"So if you two are together, where do I fit in?" Naomi asked innocently.

"Baby please... silence your child." Jordan whined.

"No no. Let me enjoy this chaos."  Simone already her phone ready for documentation. The moment Jordan tried to reach for it, she screamed and pushed him sending him to the floor.

"Damn girl."  For someone so tiny, her hands had a lot of force.

"Well babygirl, we have kids." Laura had to laugh at this point.

"WHAT! I have never met them."  Naomi screamed in shock with a wide eye expression. Simone glanced down at Jordan who had one legged propped as he snatched a pillow from the couch to cover his face that turned red.

"Ummmm...." Laura didn't know what to say.

"Dang, that's really wild." Simone nudged her husband with her foot.

"We have pictures of our kids all over." Billy pointed out of one with Olivia and Jordan as babies in a picture frame on the mantle above the fire place.

"Grandpa, why do you have random babies on the wall?"

"RANDOM BABIES!" Simone had to face time Liv at this point before she died of laughter.

"Hiiii booooo."

"Hi random baby." Simone wiped her face of the tears that began from laughing.

"Girl, what are you talking about?"

"My child thinks your parents has random babies on the mantle. I think she is figuring out the correlation."

"Heavy on the YOUR child because what is even happening." Jordan complained.

"She is just a baby! Leave my baby alone, boy." Simone defended.

"Wait wait wait, What?" Liv giggled.

"Just please listen to this." Simone couldn't explain if she tried.

She flipped the camera over and watched the stare down between her child and her grandparents.

"Those aren't random babies. Those are our children." Billy chuckled.

"Why haven't I met them then?" Naomi had her hands on her hips glaring at them.

"I mean one is literally right behind you." Billy added , palming  his face.

"SISTER IN LOVE PUT THAT DOWN, I look hideous!!!!" Liv screamed hearing movements. Simone had stepped over husband grabbing a photo of Jordan and Olivia that looked like it was taken when they were about eight or nine.

"Nay, who is that?" Simone handed over the photo.

"I don't know, you tell me."

"He literally looks the same!" Simone heard Liv say with a gasp.

"I don't know but he is cute and she is pretty." Naomi shrugged.

"Aw, boom boom. She thinks you're cute." Simone smirked seeing Jordan's eye roll.

"I agree! He is very cute." Simone looked her babygirl who had a head full of curls like her aunt and dad.

"Who is he?" Naomi said innocently.

"Ummm, that's our son and daughter. They are fraternal twins. Olivia is the oldest by six minutes." Laura explained fondly remembering back to the long labor of love to bring them into the world.

"Oooooh." Naomi nodded.

"And if I said that was Daddy then what?" Simone asked.

"WHAT!" Naomi looked at the photo and then at her daddy.

"I don't see it."

"You have got to be kidding me. I got older little girl and someday you will get older too." Jordan snatched her little frame tickling her sides.

"Daddy stooooop!" She screeches and finally settles down cuddling into his chest.

"The photos aren't random children, baby. It's me and and auntie Livvie. Grandpa and Nana are my mom and dad." Jordan hoped it got through.

"Wait, really?"

"Yes really. So all the photos are of me , auntie Livvie and us together . I am sure there is a shrine of Uncle Spencer in their closet. There is photos of us and mommy from Christmas and from our wedding." Jordan continued.

"I cannot believe she thought we were random children." Liv spoke.

"AUNTIE LIVVIEEEEE!" Naomi got up taking the phone from her mother.


"That was quite interesting." Laura returned with glasses of lemonade.

"I think I need something stronger Ma." Jordan frowned settling in between Simone's legs.

"If it makes you feel better,  I still think you're cute." Simone rested her chin on top of his head.

"Hush woman. We're married, of course you think I am cute."

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now