close to you - part 2

187 11 16

Fall 2017

He sits in his car with his lights off so her parents wouldn't notice. He watches as she creeps out the house running across their lawn. Getting in the passenger seat, she feels the warmth of the heated seat underneath her butt. He hands over a duplicate of her favorite pink and white checkered blanket. It was her favorite blanket of all time.

Simone leans over taking in his scent. He was freshly showered and smelled really good. Her lips pressed against his cheek and she settled back into her seat. His free hand casually slipped into her hand. Every so often his eyes would divert to her on the way to their destination.

It was a little past midnight. She had tossed and turned all night. Her parents had been arguing since dinner and even while she attempted to sleep, they still argued. Her environment was less than stellar and she was more comfortable when they were away on business trips than when they were home. All it took was one text message and he was there.

"We are going to get in trouble." She whispers holding onto his arm.

"We'll be fine." He assures looking over his shoulder.

He unlocked the chains to get into the football field. It was still brightly light and quiet. He appreciated the quietness sometimes and right now, he needed Simone to feel the opposite.

"Come on." His arm falls reaching back for her hand.

His heart races anytime they even brush their hands. Any time he was in her arms felt like the safest place in the world. He wanted to be that safety for Simone. He knew what it was like to be stuck in his head. It was just last year that he felt like his world was ending with his father leaving once again.

The separation was hard but he understood. His parents love each other but they loved their children more and enough to realize when it wasn't working. Jordan leads Simone to the center of the football field.

"What are you doing?" She was instructed to sit on the bench and relax.

"If I tell you then I have to kill you." He winks going back to what he was doing.

He laid out the blanket and pulled out more blanket and pillows. The sky was pitch black with plenty of stars. He set up everything including his laptop that he propped up and had an army of snacks which were split between her favorites and his.

"J, you didn't have to do this." She watches in awe.

"I wanted too. We've been so busy and I know how obsessed you are with Hallmark Christmas movies that you insist on watching them year round." He says.

"Thank you."

"Consider it a new tradition. I got a little bit of everything." And he was right, there was so much that Simone didn't know where to start.

She joined him underneath the blankets and they stayed on the field until the movie they watched ended. He packed up everything in his trunk and was going to go back to her place.

"Do you think your parents would mind if I crashed in the guest room?" Simone wasn't looking forward to going back home.

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now