Almost There

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Prompt: quick halloween core four adventures.

"Wow, you look incredible!" Jordan complimented his girlfriend, taking a photo. They had settled on princess Tiana and prince Naveen as their couple costume.

"Why thank you -"

"Hey Tiana girl... when is the restaurant serving breakfast." Spencer walked in the room dressed as Dwayne Wayne in a chicago bulls attire with the famous glasses resting on top of his head.

"Olivia! Let's go!" Simone screamed up the staircase.

"Okayyyy. I'm coming!" She called out from upstairs.

"If you are lucky Spence, your girlfriend will make you breakfast." Simone tossed a smile at her best friend's boyfriend.

"Wait - What?" Liv jogged down the steps in Whitley Gilbert attire complete with the jewelry and slick back.

"Damn." Simone and Spencer said at the same time.

"She's mine." Spencer spoke.

"Wouldn't be yours if I didn't push her, Remember that." Simone poked him in the chest.

"She was mine from day one." Spencer argued.

"Whatever, let's go before JJ has a cow."

"He's probably dressed like a cow. I wouldn't put it past him." Jordan commented.

"Wait! Group photo." Olivia pulled out her phone

The four squeezed in and took a round of photos. Jordan grabbed his keys offering to be the one to drive. JJ would already have music playing at the mansion and a bunch of people that they were positive they had no clue attended GAU.

"Look at that, all eyes on you." Jordan walked into the party with her.

"Did you expect anything less, sweetheart?" Simone responded.

They had danced for hours until Liv and Simone changed into their clover uniforms from Bring It On. Liv need to breathe so wearing less clothes was the better option then sweating in a turtle neck all night long.

JJ had the group pass around a massive bottle of tequila to play "musical drinking chairs." If it landed on Liv then she was promptly given her favorite orange juice. The music went again landed on Spencer. Instead of taking the vodka, he took the juice from Liv taking a swig. It was the pre-game before they went to Hollywood horror night.

"Why did you insist on taking us here?" Simone linked arms with Liv looking back at Spencer and Jordan. JJ already ran off with Asher.

"He is the spawn of satan. I thought you knew." Liv teased.

Liv lead them to the Jurassic park rides and they took their respective seats. Liv and Spencer in the front with Jordan and Simone in the seat behind them. They went on every single ride possible before going to a haunted house.

Simone jumped at the performer that scared her. She moved closer to Jordan who threw an arm around her kissing her cheek. She didn't know why she was being set up like this but haunted houses weren't her thing. She wrapped an arm around his waist as they walked through the haunted house.

"I got you." He whispered.

They went through the entire house and Simone was glad when it was over. The group split up and Simone walked with Jordan to find some quick snacks. She sat on the bench with their food from lil concina. Tacos and sugar cookies were the way to go since they could sort of walk it off.

"We could always ditch them." Simone suggested dipping her .

"We should. We see them enough." Jordan agreed.

"Besides, I want to go on more rides once we find the Korean hot dogs."

"Oh you plan to be up all night?" Jordan wiped his mouth of the red sauce.

"Maybe even get lucky with a quarterback." She remarked, rubbing his back.

"Keep trying to feel on me and you just might."

"Come on, let's walk before getting on anything." She was going to worry about the corn dogs later.

Simone collected her cup and walked around with her hand in his. They took in another haunted house. They continued walking around with no set destination. They got another drink before getting on a few rides. Simone stood behind Jordan bear hugging him from behind. The line was moving rather slow but she didn't mind too much.

"Ready to go?" He turned his head so could here.

"How did you know?"

"You are starting to use me as a pillow." Jordan rubbed her knuckles.

"It's been a long day." She had been running around with Olivia all day that between the food and the drinks consumed, she was ready for a nap.

Jordan sent a text telling Spencer to meet them at the entrance. He was told they'll just take an Uber back instead as they weren't finished exploring everything. Jordan knew that Liv loved Halloween so he wasn't surprised. They decided to exit the line and head home. Much to the dismay that she didn't need the Korean hot dog anymore, Jordan got two anyway to go.


"Looks like we have the place to ourselves." Jordan unlocked the door to the beach house.

He never thought he'd be living on his own with best friends. Simone had lived in the Baker childhood home taking his old room while his parents lived in GW's house in Crenshaw. It was an adjustment but he appreciated that Simone came home for good because she missed the opportunity to watch Shay grow up in person.

"This is much better than the football outfit." His eyes slowly trailed from her face to her legs.

"I know." She twirled popping up her leg.

"Do I get to see a cheer?" He accepted her hand following her upstairs.

"Maybe." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Why do I feel like this skirt is much shorter than your tennis ones?"

"How nice of you to notice." She slipped off her sneakers crawling up his bed.

Jordan closed his door and locked it. He didn't need JJ or Asher walking in and interrupting. He changed, making himself comfortable crawling up to her chest dropping his head. He battled falling asleep the moment he felt her touch. She reached for his remote on the nightstand and came across Queen of the Damned - one of her favorites.

Simone tapped him and thankfully that was enough for him to get the hint and roll over. She got through half of the movie before pausing it to turn it off .She slipped out of the uniform and much to her boyfriend's whining, she convinced Jordan to take a quick shower.

How he managed to keep his hands to himself was beyond her but after a long day , it was fitting that being lazy in bed was the next best option. She dried off and changed into one of his shirts. Switching positions, it was her turn to be all over him.

"I am very glad I didn't have to fight anyone." He rasped.

"Well, it wouldn't be very Prince Charming of you."

"Yeah it would, he always saves the princess." He spoke.

"Sure, if she actually needed saving." She could agree to disagree.

"We know Tiana was no damsel and I know you aren't either. But! Everybody and their mama was gawking at you and Liv."

"Don't be mad that we looked good as hell."

"I am mad because the only snack I want to eat is you and I am not sharing."

"On that note... go to sleep Baker."

"What happened to getting treats on Halloween." Jordan frowned.

"Maybe in the morning if you're lucky. Goodnight. I love you." She snickered.

"Okay. Fine... Sweet dreams, I love you too."

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now