Father of Mine [TW]

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Author's note: if you know you know.. sorry!!!! trigger warning for parental death


Jordan heard the knocks on his door. Every single day it felt like at that. The pleads to get up , take a shower maybe even eat something. He kept his room pitch black unable to bring himself to do his normal routine. He felt like he was suffocating in silence. When he got to the crash site, his stomach dropped at the possibility of losing his dad. He never thought that one hug would his last.

"Ms. Grace, where did my dad go? The paramedics are here to -" Jordan's words fell short.

"Hey, hey Ms. Grace, are you okay?" Jordan had left to check on Asher and made sure he got home safely.

As much as Asher tried to decline , he got in the Uber with his best friend anyway. He was happy to hear the good news. He was excited for Asher. A baby in the friend group was a fantastic way to end the night that could've gone badly. Grace couldn't stop the tears if she tried. Jordan didn't know what to do so he pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I am so sorry about Jabari. It's -"

"I-It's not that Jordan. Listen baby, I am so sorry. I am so so sorry. I-I tried to stop him because the bus was going to tip over and he wouldn't  listen to me."  Grace pulled away rambling with a face filled with even more filled with fresh tears.

"Slow down Ms. Grace. Take a breathe."

"Oh my god, I have to tell your mom and Liv."

"My dad is f.... He w-was fine. What are you talking about?" Jordan pulled away about to get close to the edge.

He felt an arm pull him back seeing the assistant head coach. Jordan stared at him shaking his head. His dad was just here having a conversation with Liv. He heard it her voice on the other end. He heard their "I love you's." His face felt hot and his vision could no longer make out the coach.

"Jordan... are you dressed?" The soft knock came from Liv.

Jordan had done and redone his tie over and over. Liv pried open the door with a Bobby pin. She didn't know what to even say but all she could do was hug her lanky twin. Spencer checked on her every day not leaving her sight. He had noticed that Jordan didn't come home that night. He had been in his childhood home for the past few days.

"We'll get through this together okay. We're Team Baker." Liv nodded trying to believe her own words. It failed.

Jordan matched her movement pulling her into another tight hug. Seeing her cry the first night triggered him days later. He felt numb once he arrived home. All he heard was the cries of his mother and sister. They were on a constant loop.

"I'll meet you inside." Jordan said softly once they arrived.

Laura didn't want a public funeral. She tried to avoid it at all costs. She wanted to bury her husband in peace with just an private funeral for the family. Jordan stared at the massive framed photo of his father outside of the doors. He couldn't bring himself to walk inside and sit in the front , stare at his father's casket or even commit to a speech.

"I should've stopped you. Maybe if I did, you would still be here."

Jordan had isolated himself. He kept his phone on do not disturb since and ignored everyone. He needed time to process. It wasn't going to be over night. He couldn't wrap his head around it no matter how many scenarios he played and how many ways it could go different.

"You should still be here to watch us graduate... to watch Spencer go to the draft.... Walk Liv down the aisle. We know they are going to be together again. We didn't have the best relationship at times dad and it's okay that Liv is the favorite. I can accept that you know. I am just glad we got a chance to repair our relationship even if it was cut short."

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now