coffee in the morning [m]

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"Do you want me to go kick him in the balls?" Layla glared.

"No." Simone might've thought about it.

"Can I throw a drink in his face?" Kia grinned.

".. No. I like his outfit." Simone shrugged her arms.

"Can I give him a black eye?" Davita punched her hand.

"Girl, what? No." Simone whipped her head in her direction.

"Well, we're related so I could kill him. I'll get over the sadness." Liv wrapped her arm around Simone's shoulder.

"Ladies, I am fine. Your brother can do what he wants. I do not care." Simone was about to walk off until Liv pulled her back.

All five women stood while Jordan danced with a cheerleader from a rival school. Their team had won and here he was dancing with the enemy. Jasmine had been in Jordan's face ever since news broke on social media that Jordan and Simone were over. School and their respective sports were driving them away from each other. They barely spent time together and had been together for so long.

The pointless fighting got to be too much and Jordan was the one to call it off.

"Don't let her get under your skin babygirl." Kia rested her head against her friend.

"I am not, I told you I am fine."

"The look on your face gives that you have killed her a million times over in your head." Layla pointed out.

".... Maybe." Simone looked down at the ground.

Olivia was glad that Simone wasn't paying attention. Her brother was now locking lips and grabbing the girl's behind. Liv looked to her right after hearing a gasp.

"Um, I am going to get something to eat. You guys want anything else?" Simone inquired.

"Sim..." Davita's eyes softened.

"I am fine." Simone assured all of her friends.

Simone sounded like a broken record. If Jordan wanted to kiss other girls and act like she didn't exist then that was just fine. Simone was going to be fine but she also stupidly believed in happily ever after. She was the least bit surprised that he was moving on so fast.

"What can I get you?" The bartender called out.

"Uh, water is fine." She didn't bother looking up.

"Are you sure? Looks like you could use something a bit stronger." He asked waiting for their eyes to meet.

"It's all good. I am not in the mood to drink."

"Hm. I noticed you with your friends." He added, making the glass of ice cold water.

"Stalking me instead of working?"

"Or just paying attention to my surroundings." He smiled softly.

"Mmm. Does that work for every girl?" She rested her chin in her palm.

"Sometimes. I am J.R by the way. Jesse." He held out his hand, Simone gave him a firm handshake.


" I know. I seen a match or two."

"So you attend Southern?" She tilted her head.

"Already graduated actually. A year ago but I just picked up an assistant coaching position for the baseball team." He shrugged, wiping out cups.

"Baseball is so boring. Ew." Simone's eyebrows furrowed.

"What? It can be an exciting time ... depending on the team." Jr held a hand to his heart.

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now