how does it feel. [m]

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Simone took a moment to pull a playlist that she randomly made one night. A collection of songs that reminded her of them - their relationship. The intense feelings she never saw coming. It felt like a freight train of emotions. Hrs & Hrs flowed through her speakers. There had been plenty of nights of Simone sleeping in things that belonged to Jordan.

Tonight was no different. She had missed being able to wake up next to Jordan. The scent of his cologne lingering on his clothing was the best. She always wished that they were in the same place. Being in two different states chasing their dreams was hell. All she could think about was her boyfriend making her heart race.

She felt like she tossed and turned. Between classes, being top six and graduation feeling like it was around the corner - she felt like the only thing she wanted was a million miles away. She breathed letting her mind drift. Studying was not helping the more she tried to take notes.

"Focus, Simone." She clicked the pen out of habit.

Her mind was stuck on visualizing all the ways that Jordan would have her come undone. All the positions they would try. The praising he would whisper in her ear. The encouragement to keep going and not cave. She chewed on her bottom lip hearing the song change. Rolling over, she yanked opened the drawer finding her rose toy. The moment she attempted to turn it on, the batteries were dead.

"Fuck!" She never ran for batteries faster in her life.

It wasn't the same but it got the job done. The rapid knocking in the middle of the night pulls Simone out of her slumber. She looked at the time and saw that it was going on 5am. Well it surely was later than she thought. She sighed, nearly tripping over the books that landed on her floor.

She adjusted the jersey on her shoulders and slipped on her smiley face slippers. The athlete yawned as she peeked out the peep hole. Nobody was at her place this early unless it was Thea trying to practice before the devil himself woke up.

She paused looking around her apartment. It was a mess and usually she'd have more care but the knocking continued. She unlocked the door coming face to face with her boyfriend.  The gasp she let out made Jordan smirk as he stood there.

"What are you doing here?"

"You're in my jersey." He pointed out.

"Hi to you too." Her eyes followed him as he walked further into her apartment.

"Matter of fact, How did you get my address?" She  knew the answer to that already.

"I would say magic but you forgot I sent you a care package ." He chuckled, slipping off his shoes.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm sorry, I thought you'd be a little more excited." Jordan rose a brow.

"It has been months since I seen you in person and I don't know, I guess I thought you would've found somebody better, someone who wasn't so far away."  Simone admitted, locking her door and setting her alarm again. She was sure her mind was playing tricks on her.

"You're in my jersey." He grabbed her forearm.

"Uh huh. This is the second time you acknowledged it." She teased looking up at him with a  laugh.

She had a few things she stole including one of his jerseys. Even if he had sent her GAU merchandise of her own, there was nothing like being in her man's clothes. It felt like having a piece of him and wearing his jersey was intimate. They had spent plenty of nights on the football field rather they were playing against Spencer and Olivia or she was helping him practice for the next game.

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now