Everybody talks

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Author's note: this is based on a video I saw of never knowing who is talking about you and it brought on this.

"I don't think I should do that." 

Simone looked at the boy in confusion. She had just been bold enough to ask him out and here he was declining. She hadn't been on many dates and it was kind of weird. If there any inkling of her liking a boy over the years, she was rejected. She thought it was just boys being stupid boys.

"Can I ask what's wrong with seeing a movie?" She asked.

"Nothing... It's just - I gotta go." He looked nervous and couldn't have ran off faster.

Simone rolled her eyes shifting her weight. She knew high school dating was annoying but in college? It was a whole different ball game. Maybe they were scared she'd beat them at their own game. She grew up playing tag football for fun before really falling in love with Tennis. She was the captain of the team and always number one. She put her all into everything she touched.

Dating just happened to not be one of them. She found Kia in the library and marched over to her throwing her things in an empty chair. Even in college men were just little boys. They were tiresome and she didn't know why she kept bothering.

"Who are we hunting down babes?"

"Why is it so hard to get a date around this stupid campus." Simone asked, pouting.

"I am sorry. Men are just jealous and insecure that you are hotter, smarter and better at everything." Kia complimented rubbing her shoulder.

"No, no, no. it's been like this for too long. Every single interaction. They all turn me down and I know I am not ugly." She sucked her teeth.

"People talk babe. They know not to mess with you." Olivia skipped up to the table.

"Says the person that looks like she got put through a mattress. Your teeth look like they hurt from smiling so hard."  Simone grumbled putting her head down, not meaning to be snarky to her best friend.

"Simone got turned down yet again." Kia informed her.

"I am sorry baby love. Nobody is good enough for my best friend." Liv declared like every time.

The three had been thick as thieves since elementary school. Olivia and Simone were the first ones to introduce themselves to Kia Williams when she moved to Beverly Hills in the 5th grade. They tried out for dance teams together , had sleepovers at the Baker residence because Laura was the chill parent for the most part  and always kept each other's darkest secrets.

What Liv couldn't tell anybody else, she told Kia, Simone and Spencer. Jordan was her twin but he liked to run his mouth too much. Olivia and Kia knew that there was nothing wrong with their best friend. She was bright , funny , beautiful and serious about her craft. They all made a pact freshman year in high school  to attend the same college no matter what. Nothing was going to break the bond even with boyfriends in the mix.

"This reminds me of prom. I was about to leave and Jordan was the only one that asked me to dance."  Simone remembered senior prom clearly.

She wasn't going to go but at the last minute , she changed her mind. The moment she got there she was ready to go. Except that night Jordan begged her for a dance. He didn't want her missing out on the whole experience. Jordan had thought about confessing his feelings right then and there but more years went by and he kept quiet. He wanted to wait for the perfect moment.

"I can't believe graduation is almost here." Simone was glad she didn't have heavy classes her final semester.

"I can't believe we are separating." Kia frowned

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now