Summer Love

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Just something super quick because it came to me, might make a part two, thou shall see but enjoy this quick super short one shot.


"Are we going to talk about what happened over the summer?"

Simone didn't stop to take in her best friend's question. What happened over the summer shouldn't have happened at all. They were both in relationships - happy ones or least she was happy. She didn't know how to describe the relationship that Jordan had with Layla.

"There is nothing to talk about. We said we would never discuss it." She replied going back to her book.

Simone was happy with Lando. They were going great. Jordan had been her best friend since elementary school. She had never once crossed any lines with him until this summer. This summer was... a lot. Things were said , explored and all put on the back burner. They weren't in high school anymore.

"You mean to tell me that you haven't thought about it?"

"No Jordan. I went back to Atlanta, back to my life, back to my boyfriend." Simone sighed.

"Yet, where is he?"

"Why are you so concerned about where Orlando is?" She blinked.

"One of us has to be." Jordan looked at her.

"Jordan, we said we would never discuss it." Simone repeated once again, throwing her head against the pillow.

"Simone, rather you admit it or not you know that there is a magnetic pull between us that neither Layla or Lando give us. We both said things and now suddenly you regret them?" Jordan looked hurt, sad even.

"You aren't making this easy." Simone didn't want to go through this.

"Nothing is easy. I love you. It's as simple as that. You said that you loved me back. You know it. Have you even told Lando that?"  Jordan inquired moving closer to her. She had occupied half of the couch.

Simone hadn't. She hadn't gotten the courage but with Jordan, it was easy. It felt normal, it felt real. It felt good to release her feelings. They were drunk but it was sober thoughts she had bottled up for years. Years of minding her business and keeping her crush on him pushed to the side.

She hated having feelings.

"You are Layla's. Do right by her." She flipped a page of her book.

"I am yours. I am yours if you let me."  He moved even closer.

"Jordan, no."  She exhaled sharply. Layla was her friend, sort of. It really depended on the day. She was a good enough friend to not hurt Layla. She didn't want to hurt Layla.

"Simone, yes. I am tired of lying to Layla." Jordan took her book sitting it on the coffee table. He rested an arm across her knees staring at her.

"Too bad."

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now