worth it.

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"Is he okay?" Simone rushes in the door throwing her keys and bag on the couch.

"Hi to you, miss thing. He is good." Jordan gently pulls her into him feeling her arms snake around him.

"Hi love, I'm sorry, I had a meeting with my coach and it ran late and I had my phone on silent. I meant to call you and then everybody else kept calling me and -"

"Babygirl. I promise you, he is fine. He had a panic attack but I had it under control. I think he was more freaked out over that than the pressure of the game." He interlaced their fingers as he walked them to the couch. He bent over removing her heels bringing her feet into his lap.

"Ughhhh, not the flashback. I should go check on him." Her head tosses back at her own memory.

"If it makes you feel better, he reminded me of the time he witnessed you having one when he was five. I remember he was standing behind me crying and screaming his head off which was not helping the situation at all. Luckily it didn't last long and then…"

"He wouldn't leave me alone for the rest of the day." Simone finished his sentence with a pout across her features.

"Like father, like son. He said he was fine though, I had force him to take a nap." Jordan assured as his hands continued pressing and kneading into the balls of her feet.

"I still feel bad I wasn't here sooner."

"If it makes you feel better, your daughter told him to stop being a pouty little bitch." Jordan snorted, remembering the same conversation he had with Liv in their 20s.

"I can't believe we have teenagers." Simone moved after a while resting back on her husband's arm.

"We do and between football practices for us both , your matches and the princess having science experiments in our backyard, we kind of raised some smart kids."

"She almost blew up my house, baby." Simone deadpans.

"Which is why we directed her talents to something more… safe like journaling in a notebook and writing poetry." Jordan rested his forehead against hers as he chuckled. "We raised good kids though."

"I am shocked considering how quick you are to throw hands, he is much calmer than you are." She reaches up to caress his face.

"Trust me, I will still knock somebody out over this family. It's not just about you anymore , I got cubs to protect."

"Speaking of cubs, I am going to talk to him."

Simone excused herself and makes her way up the staircase. She heard Jordan ask what she wanted for dinner and not necessarily what the kids wanted for dinner on the way up. She laughed at the fact that Jordan was the twin that got the cooking gene. You still couldn't pay Simone to eat her best friend's cooking or baking because she always had to substitute the good dairy product for a healthier version. Olivia Baker and a recipe were not made for each other.

She knocked on Jackson's door hearing him allow entrance. No matter how much she coached herself on the way to his room, she wasn't sure what she could say to him. She plopped down on his bed taking in his trophies and posters scattered across his room. A clear difference in the minimalist approach their thirteen year old daughter has.

"How are you holding up?" She breaks the ice as he scribbled away between the book and his notes.

"I'm okay I guess. It just happened out of no where. I was feeling dizzy and my heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest I did research on panic attacks before because of you but dad was there and he helped." He said quietly.

Jimone One Shots: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now