Chapter Three

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"If I never blushed then they could've never whispered about this"


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Flashback March 2019

"So what are you going to do?" Frankie questions me, sitting cross legged on my bed with a cushion hugged close to her chest.

Today I was supposed to be meeting James for lunch, but also meeting Harry for dinner. And I was trying to think of every way to get out of lunch with James.

"Fake my death" I roll my eyes at her. So far that was my only plan. To fake my death and run into Harry's awaiting arms.

"Do you actually have to date James? Or are you just fake dating?" She picks at a loose thread on the cushion she holds onto.

"I'm pretty sure we actually have to date, mum mentioned moving in together- but I don't know" I sign, dropping my hairbrush onto my vanity. The whole situation was overwhelming me, to the point where it felt a little dizzying.

"Moving in? Jesus Christ Mar, that's serious" her eyes widen in surprise.

"I've not even seen the man in about ten years" I add.

"But you're still seeing Harry tonight?" She asks, her eyes filled with hope.

"Obviously" I mumble, "keep your voice down though" I remind her, not wanting me little secret to be let out.

"Are you going to fuck again?" My face reddens at her question.

"Frankie please" I stop her in her tracks.

"So it's just a friendly dinner?" She squints her eyes at me.

"It's just dinner" I confirm, though secretly I hoped for more. I craved his body. I wanted to feel him close again. And I know I'd need to feel his warmth after my time spent with James.

"You two would be a cute couple" she smiles to herself.

"God, talk about Romeo and Juliet" I roll my eyes, hating the feeling of being kept away from Harry.

"So what's the plan with your Prince?" She asks, needing to know the details.

The original plan was for him to come here, my mother said it was only polite to invite my future love interest over for our first meeting. But I knew she'd take over the lunch, she'd involve herself and sign me up for things I don't agree to. She'll suggest moving in together or getting married and I don't need that pressure from her.

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