Chapter Sixty Nine

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"Said I'm fine but it wasn't true"


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I somehow managed to sleep through my broken heart that felt as though it was barely beating. With Rusty cuddled into me on the sofa that I had to make do with, and Ozzie and Obi tucked away for the night, I eventually managed to succumb to slumber through my cloudy tears and bruised lungs. I needed the rest.

Though my dreams weren't filled with happiness and sunshine like they usually are, they weren't filled with children's laughter or the lapping of waves against the shore. I didn't hear Marlie's soft voice or feel her gentle touch. It was just dark, everything felt dark and heavy and I had no idea that a disagreement like this could have such an impact on my mind and my soul.

I felt shattered, in more ways than one.

But I was pleasantly surprised when I was awoken my Marlie's gentle voice, softly cooing to Rusty whilst I tried to make sense of the world. I was still blinking the sleep away from my eyes when the sofa dipped and the blanket I had draped over me was tugged on slightly.

For a few seconds I thought I was still dreaming, because there was no way that Marlie was choosing to sit here with me, after she had cursed me out last night.

"Mar" I croak out, having to clear my throat before I speak anymore. I'm sitting up at her presence, the movement making Rusty whine, but this was more important than his comfort.

I wasn't expecting to wake up to her, in fact, I was expecting the morning to be painfully awkward as we dodge each other getting the girls ready for the day, barely sharing two words with one another. I guess it's easier for us all if we just get this over with.

And I knew for sure, I could not sleep on the sofa again, my back and neck were killing me, not to mention the ache in my arm where Rusty had demanded snuggles all night and whined the second I shuffled around. He was the neediest baby of them all.

Speaking of babies- I hadn't seen my babies all night and though that was normal not to see Cosy through the night, Ottie would wake up nearly every hour, demanding food, cuddles, attention, changes, from downstairs I couldn't hear her crying, and so Marlie and Frankie must've been the ones to tend to her all night long. It made me feel incredibly guilty.

I hated the idea of Marlie running around in the middle of the night, barely getting any sleep whilst I was peacefully in my dreams. I despised men that sat back and made their other half get limited sleep, rushing around after their child.

Having children was hard work. It should be a fair deal- always.

"Hi" she hums, seemingly taking more breaths than usual and keeping her eye contact limited.

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