Chapter Forty Nine

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"I knew a boy once when I was small, a tow-head blonde with eyes of salt"

Trigger warning: mentions of domestic abuse

Trigger warning: mentions of domestic abuse

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We were due to view our potential forever home in just three days, I was beyond excited to finally see it for myself and get to map out exactly how I want to decorate it all. I had a whole Pinterest board full of ideas, I was just so excited to finally get into our new space and make it a home.

I had planned out rooms with beautiful floral wallpaper, a nice clean kitchen full of flowers and little green accents, I had saved a bunch of prints to hang up in Cosy's room and different ways to decorate each bathroom.

I was so excited to make the house a home.

I was excited to plant my favourite flowers in the summer and hang a rope swing from a tree. I couldn't wait to have picnics in the garden and watch Rusty chase his tail for hours in the grass.

It was going to be decorated to perfection and we'd throw parties and celebrate Christmas together, it'll be our home and it'll be just right.

But before all of that happened, we needed to actually buy the house, move everything out of Harry's house and then move into our new cottage. Then we had to decorate and prepare for our little dinky to join us.

There was something telling me that she was going to be here a lot earlier than we've got planned. She seemed the type to cause trouble, I could tell already.

I was reluctant to tell Frankie of our exciting news, I was a little afraid of her reaction. I think she'd be happy for us to begin with, I think she'd probably shriek with excitement, much like Cosy does. But I know deep down it'll upset her. I know under that cheery facade that she'll wish things were different and she'll wish we were closer.

Frankie has always been my rock, she's my shoulder to cry on and the best secret keeper. I couldn't imagine living more than twenty minutes away from her. Though an hour or so was not necessarily far in the grand scheme of things, it was far enough to feel the distance I'm sure.

"You're pacing" I speak the obvious when I come downstairs to find Harry walking laps of the living room. Cosy is sat on the sofa her fingers stuck in her mouth whilst she plays a game on her iPad, her eyes occasionally flicking up to Harry but she mostly keeps her head down, swiping her fingers across the screen to earn glittery gems.

"Harry" I say a little louder to get his attention when he doesn't even look at me.

It grabs Cosy's attention instead and she's looking at me with a bright smile, "hi mama" she says as she's struggling to slip herself off of the sofa, but when she eventually does get to the floor she's running over to press her hands against my belly.

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