Chapter Six

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"You're like a sunrise and I'm scared that I'll never get enough of you"


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Flashback January 2020

"Why won't she just come out?" Amalia whines, her hands rubbing at her huge belly.

She was two weeks overdue, our little lady was just so snug and cosy inside of Marlie, that she had to be evicted.

"She will, she's just taking her time" I assure her, my hand rubbing up and down her back.

"I don't want a c-section Harry" she stops in the hospital corridor, gripping onto the railing at the side as she steadies herself.

The midwives said it would be good for her to walk around and get things going, but we've been here for nearly ten hours and there was still no sign of our little girl.

"Well hopefully you don't have to have one" I tell her, slightly cautious of my words, just incase she explodes for no reason. I've been walking on eggshells around her for the past four weeks.

"God it hurts so much" she grips onto my hand with all her strength. She had been getting contractions for a while now, but they didn't seem to be doing anything. She wasn't dilating, nor was our baby ready to come out.

It was like her body didn't know what to do.

"And I swear to fucking god if James tells me to calm down one more time- I think I'll kill him" she swears. James had to come with us, for the purposes of the press, he's been saying in her private room, hence the reason we've been walking up and down the corridors all day. It's mainly to get away from him.

Marlie had caused slight hysteria to the public when it got out that she had gone into labour, only because the tale was that she wasn't due until early March. It was January and people seemed to be panicking.

"Ow!" She hisses, clutching onto her stomach, her face pinching in pain.

"Breathe through it- you're doing so well" I remind her, I was mostly coping what the labour and delivery book for partners had said, I truly didn't know how to handle this.

"She's going to be stuck in me forever" she stands herself up taking a breath and then continuing to walk.

"Hey" I tug on her hand, gaining her attention, "the midwives said she'd be out by tomorrow night, and then we get to hold her and give her all the love, yeah?" Frustratingly, despite Amalia's title, they couldn't take her pain away, nor could they speed up the process any quicker than usual.

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