Chapter Twenty Four

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"Glass shattered on the white cloth"


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There were many emotions running through me when I first read the harrowing tabloid that was published this morning. A tabloid that my mother had a choice in. A tabloid that could've been prevented, if only her heart was a little kinder.

There were many emotions that hit me, but strangely, I felt numb. Lost.

I wasn't sure if Harry had already seen his fate. I wasn't sure if he had read the horrors that were published to the media. I wasn't sure if he had any idea of this. And I certainly didn't want to be the one to tell him.

I didn't want to be the reason for his shattered heart. I didn't want to be the reason for his pain.

I wasn't sure how to properly address it. All I wanted was to fight back and stand up for Harry like I know he'd stand up for me. But the advice is to keep quiet. Keep your head down and ignore everything that is said. Those are the rules. And if a question was ever fired towards us, we aren't allowed to comment.

We aren't allowed to have a voice or an opinion. Though I so desperately want to draft a statement, listing off everything that was wrong about the article.

It's wrong that people are allowed to get away with disgusting comments like this. Harry's life has been turned upside down, though he probably doesn't know it yet. Nothing will ever be the same for him again.

Yet, I also feel some kind of betrayal. It's been three years since Harry and I reconnected and I'm finding out his family life through a tabloid. From a headline.

He never told me what truly happened with his family and why they don't talk anymore. It turns out, he didn't need to tell me. It was published online for the whole world to see.

I know how heartbreaking that is. But I can't help but feel a little angry towards Harry for not telling me sooner.

"I had a boyfriend when I was in my teens" I start the conversation, my heart beating faster than ever before. He's going to crumble in front of my very eyes and I won't know how to pick up his broken parts and piece them back together. "He lied about everything." I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with this anecdote, and I certainly don't want to pin Harry down as a liar.

Yet, he acts all sweet and innocent, caring for Cose like the greatest father she could ask for. He treats me with such respect and love. He's soft. So soft.

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