Chapter Seventy Six

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"Looks like we made it, look how far we've come my baby"


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I knew today would be a good day as soon as I woke up. There was just something about the air that didn't feel like a coincidence to me. It's like the world knew.

The sun was bright, the birds were singing, I had a beautiful sleep with Marlie tangled against me, I woke up with her in my arms and her breath fanning against my chest. I woke up in a good mood and the world seemed to be on our side.

I was in the garden at the time, appreciating the sun shining over us, taking advantage of the fact that today was a Sunday, meaning the builders were not at work. Peace fell upon Regal Meadow and it was like something out of a dream. I knew it sounded cheesy and I knew many would roll their eyes as I went into depth of how beautiful today was and how the planets felt aligned, but it's truly just how I felt.

Something was different in the air today. Something happy. Something promising. And Marlie had this glow about her that I just couldn't quite describe, she looked like an angel as she woke up, some kind of ethereal goddess just laying there in bed with the sheets tangled around her.

She was picture perfect.

"You look like and idiot out here smiling to yourself" Frankie has the nerve to comment as I sit on the patio chair, quietly taking in the nature around me and the weather that's shining down.

"It's so nice today" I comment, looking up at her from where she stands towering over me, Tiggy sitting snuggly in her arms, though she's still in her pyjamas.

"You're acting weird" she looks at me in confusion, narrowing her eyes at me with a smirk on her face like she was trying to figure me out. But there was nothing to figure out, today was just a good day, that was all.

"No I'm not" I disagree with her. I was just appreciating a good moment and taking it all in before the chaos of the day begins. "It's nice out here, the suns shining, feels good."

"You're so fucking weird" she shakes her head, still probably trying to work out what was going on, though not even I could tell her. There was just something.

"Mar, you're husband is fucking crazy" Frankie calls out to where Mar was in the kitchen her feet kicked up on the dining table whilst she reads a book, claiming that the sun was glaring too much on the pages to join me out here whilst we were child free.

Both Cose and Ottie had a sleep over at my mums last night, Cosy had been begging for weeks to sleep at nanny Anne's house, and mum offered to take Ottie too, so Mar and I actually had time to ourselves for once. I took her out to dinner, something we never do together, though the children are never usually the issue, it's that we're likely to get recognised wherever we go, by the time we've arrive and by the time we'd leave, a crowd would have accumulated outside, people trying to get a listen into our conversations or snapping pictures of what we were eating. We had just never done it.

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