Chapter Nine

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"I'd rather pretend I'm something better than these broken parts, pretend I'm something other than this mess that I am"


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I had never felt fear course through my veins like this before. I had never quite felt like this in my life in fact.

I was petrified.

My body completely shaking with fear.

"Mar, you're going to pass out if you keep breathing like that" Frankie comments, trying to keep her eyes on the road, but she flashes them over at me every so often.

I don't have it in me to speak right now. If I open my mouth I think I'll be sick.

"Kids fall all the time, Mar. I'm sure she's okay" she tries to tell me, but it goes in one ear and out the other. She doesn't know what she's talking about but she's trying her best. I appreciate the thought but it's not what I need right now.

She's not fine. She's not fine if she isn't waking up. She's not fine if she's on her way to the hospital.

I refuse to believe she's fine until she's in my arms and she's babbling my name.

"She's cracked her fucking skull open" I spit out the words, my stomach churning as I do.

"You don't know that- that's just what google told you" she denies.

I was told she had bruising behind her ears, and it was clear that it was something incredibly serious. So I turned to google, which wasn't the right choice for my anxiety but I done it anyway. Google told me she probably had a fractured skull and that made me feel sick.

Sure, a fractured skull wasn't fatal, but it sure as hell wasn't good. Who knows what kind of damage to her brain it's caused.

"Shut up" I rush out, having to steady my breathing before I throw up all over her car. It's going to come up at some point I know it.

Nothing has ever shook me to the core like this before.

"Harry hasn't told you anything else, has he?" She isn't phased by my rude comments towards her in my moment of weakness, she puts her foot down and she gets us to the hospital as fast as humanly possible.

"No- but they must be there by now, right? They'd get her there fast surely. She's only a baby, and this is serious Frankie" I try to reason, my mind running a million miles an hour, and I'm sure Harry's is too, especially if he's alone.

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