Chapter Fifty Four

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"In the eye of a hurricane there is silence, for just a moment"


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Life was suspiciously quiet. Everything was calm and the stillness of the world was making me second guess myself.

It was like I was programmed to only think negatively. It was like my brain was wired up to naturally assume that something was always going to go wrong. And the feeling was not one that was comfortable.

Amalia was thirty five weeks pregnant as of yesterday, dinky really could be here any day now. Marlie was getting uncomfortable, she was achy and sore, she just wanted to collapse on the sofa most days and let the world pass by. She wanted dinky out, but she also wanted her safe, so she knew she had to keep hold of her for another few weeks.

I was shocked she had even made it this far, after what the midwives had said, I thought our little dot would be here by now.

Cosy has been growing impatient too, every day she'd wake up, shoot her head up and ask if her baby sister was here yet, she'd often start crying every time I tell her that no, her sister was still in mummy's tummy and she wasn't here.

She was desperate to hold her little sister.

But Christmas had been a good distraction for her, Christmas was just eight days away now, and I think this was the first year that Cosy had a proper understanding of what was going on. I think the concept of Santa was scaring her more than she'd like to admit, but she loved the Christmas tree, all of the decorations and the songs, and of course, like any child, she loved the idea of presents.

It was all pretty magical in our household, especially now most of the rooms were decorated and we weren't living out of boxes so much anymore. Everything was in its right place and everything was working out just like was had hoped.

And so far, the press hadn't been anywhere near our house.

It did eventually get out to the press that we had moved, packed up our things and ran is the exact phrase they used, but they weren't able to pinpoint us. There had been a few locations thrown around, a few rumours too, like we were staying with Frankie and leeching off of her, some news outlets said that we had fled the country. No one was right, no one had found us.

We were still living in our little bubble of joy with our little dinky who was still unknown to the world.

It was better that way. Safer.

We were just living in a bubble of peace and happiness, though in the back of my head was a monster, telling me that the tables would soon turn. Perhaps I was just stressed with dinky arriving soon, and Christmas in a matter of days, and then before we knew it Cosy would be turning three.

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