Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Asked me what I learned from all those years, ask me what I've earned from all those tears"

Little disclaimer: I am not a lawyer nor do I know how any of this works.


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Today was a big day for Marlie and I, for Cose too actually. It was a day that we had all been looking forward to, a day that we had planned for.

Today Marlie and I were reading over the final drafts of the lawsuit being sent to The Sun, The Daily Mail and The Independent, for their verbal abuse towards Mar and our family. For all of the times they've invaded our privacy and compromised our safety.

We had met with a lawyer, Sofia, a few days ago to begin the process of drafting files and writing up everything that had happened within the past year or two, things that should have never happened.

We were finally going to put this behind us and get the justice that we all deserved.

When we first started the process, it was a little nauseating, Marlie would quite often throw herself over the toilet and grip onto it for dear life. We had to bring up a lot of unwanted emotions and a lot of old turmoil that we had compactly buried.

We had to go through endless articles that had been published anywhere from last week to two years ago, old newspaper clippings from the comments that were made regarding Marlie's weight after Cose was born, to people openly stalking the hospital where she was born, or articles from recently where the news outlets had published things that they knew were private.

They knew that letter Amalia's wrote to her parents and her uncle, was private. They knew. They aren't dumb. It's an infringement of rights yet they still went ahead and published it.

This is when we dragged James and Cassie's names up, along with Marlie's parents communications team.

Though we were well aware it was the communications team who were the ones to share the letter with the media, the media then shouldn't have published it. Any sane person who read over it could've realised that it was not for public viewing. If Marlie wanted people to read it, she would've published it herself. It was quite clear that it was private yet it was still shared around the world.

And that was the media's fault. This was all down to them. If they hadn't taken their stupid ideas and ran along with it, creating rumours and chaos in their wake, then perhaps we wouldn't be in the position we are today.

It's a whole host of people who are to blame, but right now we're dealing with the media. We'll move onto Amalia's family another time. That was for another day when we had a little more steam inside of us.

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