Chapter Ten

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"If there were five more minutes of air, would you panic and hide? Or run for your life? Or stand here and spend it with me?"


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Cosy's first night in the hospital was pure hell. And it didn't get any better since that first night.

She was growing more aware of her surroundings and everything going on. Her pain medication was slowly being withdrawn so she was often complaining of headaches. And then of course, last night she was throwing up every half an hour.

So our stay in the hospital has been the least bit pleasant. All three of us are itching to go home.

The plan was for us to take it in turns staying with Cosy overnight, but she absolutely refused to let me out of her sight, even to go to the toilet. Which, to begin with made Harry a little upset that Cosy wasn't as attached to him, but he got a lucky escape considering last night she must've thrown up over me about five times.

"Mama hurt" Cosy whines pointing to her head, feeling hugely restricted with one arm in a cast.

She was growing more and more frustrated with every second of the day. She wanted to get up and play, she wanted to run, she wanted to colour, or at least have a cuddle. But everything hurt her. We couldn't hold her too tight because of her broken ribs and none of us wanted to even touch her head just incase we somehow made it worse.

She could barely hold a crayon in her hand and when she realised she couldn't colour with it, she threw it across the room and yet another meltdown began.

"I know it does, don't touch it though baby. The doctor will come later and she might give you some medicine" I tell her, readjusting her cardigan that kept falling down her shoulder due to the lack of arm in her sleeve.

"Dada?" She looks up hopefully.

"He should be here any minute Cose" I nod with a yawn, desperate for Harry to take over. I was barely getting any sleep at night so Harry came as soon as he could, keeping Cosy occupied and dealing with the meltdowns whilst I tried my hardest to get some sleep on the tiny sofa in the corner of the room.

I hadn't left her hospital room since she got moved into the paediatric ward.

I was sick of this place.

"Mama home!" She screeches, throwing her arm down on the bed, ready to act out at any moment.

She just wants her own bed.

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