c 15-16

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Go to the end of the world with a portable space


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Chapter 15 Medicine

Shen Yunting left without looking back.

Lu Huai saved the number in the address book. He didn't know Shen Yunting's name, so he thought about it and saved an A, and then told the others to go back to the room to pack their things. They have been here for five days, and after a while it will be Grandma Lu's 80th birthday. Grandma Lu likes jadeite, so he brought the company's jadeite experts to see if he could find good jade materials and carve a jadeite ornament for her. It was unsatisfactory for several days in a row, and there was nothing he wanted in the selling materials. I thought I could only choose one of the ornaments sold by the company, but I didn't expect that on the last day, a Fu Lu Shou three-color jadeite was opened. , is suitable for birthday gifts. He felt that Shen Yunting was his little lucky star.

Shen Yunting didn't think so. He felt that he was very unlucky to meet Lu Huai. He wondered if he could find such a good jadeite tomorrow. After dinner, the three of them went back to their rooms to rest. Shen Yunting used talisman paper to set up a talisman array to assist in cultivation. The number of times the talisman array can be used is limited, but it is enough to survive the past few days. He does not want to attract too much attention now, so the stones he bought have not been solved. Wait until the last day to get them The stone was untied and went back to form a formation.

Shen Yunting stayed in Rui City for five days, spent these days looking for stones and practicing, and gained a lot. On the last day, Shen Yunting chose a piece of blue-green glass and planted it, and asked the jewelry store to make it into a uniform size The small rectangular sign took the two of them back to the West Market.

As soon as Lu Huai returned to the capital, something happened to the company. Someone in the finance department was found to have embezzled public funds. The company is conducting a thorough investigation. After working for a few days, he finally took a breather. When he returned home and sat on the sofa, Lu Huai thought of Shen Yunting and took out his phone to find the address book. The first one dialed out, the phone rang twice and was answered, Lu Huai raised the corners of his mouth and gave a hello, a man's voice with an unknown accent: "Oh hello, you want to buy medicine Is it? My ancestor was the imperial doctor of Qianlong. This is a prescription that we have passed down for several generations. It was born with the benevolence of doctors and the idea of ​​solving the pain of the masses. You refund the money."

Lu Huai:?

Lu Huai took a deep breath, remembering that Shen Yunting had said "medicine" when he gave him his phone number, he didn't think much about it at the time, but now...

Lu Huai asked: "What kind of medicine are you selling?" After thinking about it, he

answered cautiously: "Let's You regain your confidence and revive your glory!"

Lu Huai: ...

Lu Huai: ...

Lu Huai: ...

Lu Huai hung up the phone and got blocked, took a few breaths, Laughed angrily.

I called Dong Yongyan. Dong Yongyan was one of the two bodyguards who followed him to Ruishi. He met Shen Yunting back then.

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