c 53-54

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Go to the end of the world with a portable space


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 53 Conflict

Gathering in the living room of Shen Yunting's suite again, everyone found that the living room was full of shelves filled with various supplies overnight.

When Lu Huai woke up last night, he found that his powers had all been recovered, and he didn't have much space left, so he simply took out all his things, the living room couldn't fit, and some of them went into the suite they vacated.

Waking up this morning, I found that the consumed space ability has almost recovered. Although the ability is consumed quickly, it is also recovered quickly. Lu Huai feels more at ease.

In fact, relying on self-recovery alone is not so fast. Lu Huai recovered so quickly because Shen Yunting was by his side. After the apocalypse, he put on the jade tablet of the spirit-gathering formation, and the spiritual energy around him gathered more, so the recovery was naturally faster.

After eating, Lu Huai ordered the three people from yesterday again, and still wanted four people to go out to collect supplies, and the rest of them stayed here to organize and pack the supplies he released, which would take up too much space together with the shelves.

Zhou Mu disagreed, he couldn't always rely on others to take risks, Lu Huai comforted him: "People are also needed here, first of all, the supplies need to be sorted out, and secondly, there should be other living people in this hotel, our supplies are here, in case someone gets caught If you find out that it might be dangerous, and you don't have a weapon, you have to wait until you have a weapon in your hand to go. It won't last long with supernatural powers alone, and we will have to be distracted to protect you."

Zhou Mu was silent, and could only helplessly respond . Down. Lu Huai said to Shen Yunting again: "Yunting, can you lend me your car? We are going to the shopping mall on the next street. There should be baseball bats, clothes and food in the sports section there."

Shen Yunting replied: "No, I have to go out too, and I need a car." He is going to collect supplies at the place he was optimistic about before, and in this way, his supplies can also be taken out.

Lu Huai patiently repeated to Shen Yunting what he had said to Zhou Mu before.

Shen Yunting lazily said: "I didn't want to follow you, I went out by myself."

Hearing Shen Yunting's words, everyone looked at him in surprise, and Lu Huai's face turned dark, "No! It's too dangerous outside, even if we are together It is very likely that you will die, how can you go out alone." Shen Yunting

said lightly: "Have you forgotten what saved your father and your third uncle's lives?"

I must have the benefits of it, but he was still worried, frowned and said: "It still doesn't work, no one knows how many times that thing can protect you, I can't gamble on this."

Zhou Mu and Mu Yun also objected to him Going out, they all dissuaded them.

Shen Yunting stood up, "I know, that thing is from me." He took out a normal attack talisman and cast it on the empty chair beside him, the chair was shattered into pieces under the attack of the talisman. "Let me introduce myself, I'm a Taoist."

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