c 135-136

978 32 1


Go to the end of the world with a portable space


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 135 Contract Beast 4

Lu Xuan had a baby face and looked like a child. He Quan felt that it was too pitiful for him to carry such a big monkey.

Lu Xuan looked at He Quandao gratefully, "You are so kind, let's carry it, this thing is too big to carry."

He Quan came over with a smile and lifted the monkey with him, whispering : "You guys are really amazing. When we go out and encounter mutant beasts, we are easily injured. We have already folded in several brothers, so it's easy to follow Mr. Lu these two times."

Lu Xuan blinked at him, and whispered: "In the future It will be fine."

Zhao Ming, who also wanted to come to help, his eyes lit up, he is not as naive as He Quan, and he will be assigned to a group with He Quan because he has a quick brain, hearing what Lu Xuan said, he instantly Guess what.

Lu Xuan made a "shh" to him, Zhao Ming suppressed his excitement and nodded, and came over to take the monkey in Lu Xuan's hand, Lu Xuan didn't refuse, he guessed there would be more for him to carry later.

The white wolf and lynx walked in the front, followed by Lu Huai, Lian Tiancheng, Xie Sui and the other contracted beasts, and then Sang Qi and the four supernatural beings who squeezed to the front at some point.

The white wolf and lynx stopped in front of a laboratory door at the end of the corridor. Lu Huai looked down and found that Lian Tiancheng's tiger and Lu Xuan's husky were slightly lowered, ready to attack at any time.

Lu Huai stepped forward and stood on the side of the laboratory door, leaned against the wall and stretched out his hand to push the door open. The monkey and these contracted beasts didn't react so much just now. Lu Huai suspected that there might be more than one mutant inside. Beast, he was afraid that the white wolf would be attacked if it was inconvenient to open the door.

Just as the iron door was pushed open, a goat as big as a bullfight rushed out of it. The two horns on the top of its head glowed slightly white, and it pushed towards the white wolf.

The white wolf and lynx quickly spread out to the sides, and the two contracted beasts instantly returned to their original size. The white wolf looked a lot bigger than the goat.

The goat didn't stop and hit the opposite wall directly, hitting a big hole in the opposite laboratory wall. It pulled out its horns effortlessly, and turned to face the wolf king again.

Lu Xuan looked at the wall and gasped. He guessed that the white light on the goat's horns was its supernatural power. If anyone was hit by surprise, he might die on the spot.

But since it escaped this time, the sheep is nothing to be afraid of. In fact, this is true, this corridor is too small for large mutant beasts, and it cannot be used at all.

After the white wolf escaped the goat's second collision, an ice-type ability froze the goat and the wall together, and the ice-type ability could only freeze the goat for a moment, and the moment it struggled away, the white wolf pounced on it He fell down and bit the goat's throat.

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