c 163-164

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Go to the end of the world with a portable space


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 163

Lu Huai frowned, with some helplessness and worry on his face, "Yes, rice and wheat only have one season, so they are so expensive. Sweet potatoes and potatoes are slightly better, and they can be barely planted for two seasons. Well, most of them will dispatch wood-type supernatural powers."

"Is this enough food?" Shen Yunting asked.

Lu Huai said: "It's enough for the time being. Too many people died, and some of them were trapped in the city and couldn't get out. The Federation has grain depots, but there are not many in the capital. In fact, if the land can be sown normally, it is probably enough. Food, at least not enough to starve to death. I'm afraid that due to the existence of zombies and mutated beasts and mutated plants, we won't be able to farm normally."

The next morning Lu Huai went out again, and Shen Yunting woke up at 9 o'clock, with Dan The medicine is available, and he has broken through to the second level of Qi training, so he is not so lazy.

Sow the soaked seeds into the spirit field, and pick out a few low-grade and easy-to-use ones, and plant the elixir seeds into the vegetable field of the greenhouse, always leaving something for others to see.

Most of the vegetables in the vegetable field were transplanted directly from the space by him, and they grew extremely well. Shen Yunting put out two baskets of common pre-apocalyptic vegetables collected in the space, and put several bags of rice and two baskets of groceries at the gate of the manor.

Call Ming Chengyu to bring someone to move, Ming Chengyu's general grocery area is almost sold out.

After a while, Ming Chengyu brought a few people over, and there were many idle people in the station. When he passed by, he yelled casually, and several people came to help.

Shen Yunting was sitting in the yard waiting for them, hugging a big snow leopard and pinching its ears. He actually liked the furry feel, otherwise he wouldn't be pestered by the orange cat all day long. Today, he found a snow leopard that didn't follow because of an injury. When he was out hunting, he picked up his big cat by the way.

The habitat of the snow leopard is not here. The two snow leopards came out of the zoo, and their temperament is relatively docile. Flicking its tail, it squatted obediently and let Shen Yunting play with it.

Ming Chengyu came in through the door that Shen Yunting had opened specially, and his eyes lit up when he saw the snow leopard, and he walked up to look at it, "This is Young Master Shen's new contract beast? It looks so beautiful."

Shen Yunting sat cross-legged on a chair, Now it was getting cold, the chair was covered with a thick plush blanket, Ming Chengyu knew he was obsessed with cleanliness, so he didn't dare to sit on it. Standing opposite him, he smiled and said, "Young Master Shen, why did you ask me to come in?"

Shen Yunting patted the snow leopard's head again, and said to Ming Chengyu, "How about the vegetable reserves in the resident? Do you still eat in winter? "

Ming Chengyu shook his head, "Not much, the weather is getting cold too fast, Xueyang's greenhouse lacks equipment, and sunlight alone can't do it, now basically we can only rely on wood-type supernatural beings."

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