c 89-90

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Go to the end of the world with a portable space


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turn off the lights




Chapter 89: Choosing the Lord

He took the lead to take a few steps forward, and the monkey king stopped in the direction of Yi Xueming. Yi Xueming was very happy to see the monkey king squatting in front of him. Although he liked tigers more, he was already very happy with some points. Yes, of course not pick three pick four.

Carefully took out his beast control talisman and walked a few steps forward, Yi Xueming took out his saber and slashed on his finger, squeezed out the blood and dripped it on the talisman paper, and then input the power to stick the talisman paper on the monkey king's eyebrows, the monkey king He was already very smart, but after mutating, he was more aware of current affairs, without a trace of resistance, one person and one beast signed the contract very smoothly.

Shen Yunting opened a small hole in the formation, and the monkey king felt the energy changes in front of him, stretched out his claws tentatively, and found that the barrier blocking it was gone, so he rushed out.

The formation closed behind it, and the monkey king obediently hugged Yi Xueming's thigh, and squeaked a few times at the tiger who was still trapped in the formation.

"Stupid tiger, do you want to become a tiger skin blanket?" The

tiger got up reluctantly and walked to Lian Tiancheng. It was not convinced, but it was a tiger kept in a zoo after all, so it lacked a lot of arrogance and wildness , After mutating, he became a wolf's younger brother, so it's no big deal to change someone.

The contract was also successfully signed. Shen Yunting looked at the monkey king next to Yi Xueming's leg and asked, "What's the matter with the wolf inside?" Lu Xuan's eyes lit up next to him.

The Monkey King tilted his head and looked at Shen Yunting suspiciously.

"Meow meow!" Just say it directly, he can understand.

Hearing the orange cat's prompt, the Monkey King was stunned for a moment, looked at the group of monkeys lying on the ground in the formation, and quickly yelled at Shen Yunting, and looked at Shen Yunting eagerly after he finished.

Shen Yunting nodded to it, "If you can lure that wolf over, I'll let the monkeys go." The

monkey king's eyes lit up, and he hammered his chest with his fist to show that he was wrapped in it, and discussed with Shen Yunting a few more words , turned his head and called a few times to the monkeys, and then rushed to the zoo.

Shen Yunting opened the formation, and the monkeys got up one after another and stood aside. Shen Yunting explained to everyone: "The wolf's partner is pregnant, and it has been guarding by my side. I asked the monkey king to trick it out. Everyone hide, for a while. Lian Tiancheng and the tiger acted in the formation, pretending to fight, and lured the white wolf into the formation."

Lu Xuan stammered a little excitedly, "Will there still be little wolf cubs?"

Lu Huai kicked him, " Go and hide."

The monkey king screamed and ran back to his old lair, where there were two white arctic wolves cuddling each other, "Zhizhi!" Boss, it's not good, that orange cat brought a human over, and that human was very powerful. Clumsy Tiger is a bit of an opponent, Clumsy Tiger is there to block, let me come for help!

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