c 169-170

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Go to the end of the world with a portable space


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 169 Sterilization

Shen Yunting also turned sideways to face him, "If we really get together all the time, we'll get tired sooner or later, which is just right."

"I won't get tired." Lu Huai's tone was firm, with a pair of phoenix eyes that were usually cold and slightly curved, " Now I always think so much, I just wish I could carry you in my pocket and take it with me wherever I go."

Shen Yunting raised his eyebrows, suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help laughing out loud. Lu Huai looked at him suspiciously, and Shen Yunting smiled and said, "It's impossible to make me smaller in a short time." Unless it was after ascension, he learned the magic tricks in his sleeves.

"But..." Shen Yunting looked Lu Huai up and down, "After you wake up, you might be able to learn how to make yourself smaller."

Lu Huai froze for a moment, then looked at Shen Yunting suspiciously. "Even if I make myself smaller, will you take me everywhere?"

He still knows how lazy Shen Yunting is, if Shen Yunting becomes smaller, he will definitely walk around with it in his pocket, and want to take Shen Yunting with him in everything he does. But he has become smaller, will Shen Yunting carry him out without any problems? Lu Huai had deep doubts about this.

Shen Yunting was silent, of course not, why did he go out and wander around when he was fine? It would be fine if it was before the end of the world, but what is there to do in this broken world now.

Lu Huai knew the answer just by looking at his expression. Feeling helpless and wanting to laugh, he looked at Shen Yunting and smiled for a while, thinking that this would be good. He could see Shen Yunting every day when he came home, so he looked forward to it every day. .

Early the next morning, Lu Huai and Shen Yunting ate breakfast and went down to join the others. Shen Yunting was accompanied by the Snow Leopard Brothers, and the Orange Cat followed Lu Huai these days, saying it was for protection, but most of the time it was not necessary to take action, almost every day. Lying on Lu Huai's shoulder as a mascot.

He was thrown out of the house by Shen Yunting early this morning, so he asked him to bring a few more storage bags, and then went for a run around the old capital.

Xueyang's team in the garrison had already assembled. After Lu Huai came down, he went straight to the garage. They were going to drive Shen Yunting's Cavalier XV. He knew that Shen Yunting didn't like to meet strangers very much, so he just called Dong Yongyan and Lu Xuan over.

This car has six seats, and the four at the back are facing each other. The inside of the car is very spacious, and usually no one will touch it except Lu Huai, so the inside is also very clean.

Dong Yongyan was in charge of driving, Lu Xuan went to the co-pilot, Lu Huai and Shen Yunting sat in the back, and the two snow leopards also climbed into the seats, lying there lazily ready to catch up on sleep.

Shen Yunting was also sleepy, staring at the snow leopard in front of him in a daze, Lu Huai thought his appearance was interesting, so he didn't bother him, just sat beside him and watched with a smile.

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