c 69-70

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Go to the end of the world with a portable space


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 69 Arranging Materials

A few team members carried their things back happily. They took this mission for the sake of their families. They thought that this journey would be dangerous and hard, so they didn't expect much. They just hoped to go back alive. Will treat their families well. I didn't expect that there would be hot pot on the first night, and there would be so much meat to eat.

The people moved their things into the house, the Lian family didn't have so many chairs, they were divided into two groups, one group went to eat at the dining table, the other group sat on small benches around the coffee table in the living room to eat, Shen Yunting and Lu Huai sat on the small chairs. The bench was too aggrieved, so it was assigned to the dining table.

Everyone at their table is addicted to spicy food, so they cooked spicy pots on both sides. Lu Xuan insisted on joining this table, but he firmly refused to admit that he was short, "I am 1.8 meters, and there is no place for my long legs over there! Make room for me."

Lu Huai said indifferently: "179.3."

Lu Xuan retorted angrily, "No, I've grown again, I'm 1.8 meters now."

Lu Huai said "Oh", "But There are only five chairs here, and there is an elimination system for the last place, so you still click over."

Lu Xuan: "..." Who can understand the pain of the shortest in the family, who can understand it! Both of his brothers are 1.9 meters tall, and he seriously suspects that his mother's genes have lowered his height.

Let him only compare with his parents who are different in age and cannot keep up with nutrition, and he can't compare! There are only a few women in the whole family who are shorter than him, but the three elders among them are the only peers - his sister has an aura of 2.8 meters, so I dare not compare him at all.

Zhou Mu let out a "cough", got up with a smile and took the initiative to go to the small bench table, "I'll go with Ah Yun."

Lu Xuan looked at him with bright eyes, and moved, "Thank you, brother Zhou!" It's better than my brother A hundred times!

The hot pot is spicy and delicious, and the thin lamb rolls can be scalded in the churning red oil for a few seconds before being taken out. Dip it in the oil dish or sesame sauce, and it will be smooth, tender and full of fragrance. Lu Xuan "sighed" a beef ball in his mouth. He was scalded by the soup in the beef ball and couldn't bear to spit it out.

Shen Yunting suddenly remembered the soup dumplings that he had eaten with Lu Huai, and turned his head to look at Lu Huai. He happened to be watching Lu Xuan's excitement in his spare time, and when he noticed that Shen Yunting's eyes immediately turned to look at him inquiringly, Shen Yunting couldn't help laughing Laughing, Lu Huai didn't know what he was laughing at, but just looking at him laughing, he wanted to laugh along with him. This hot pot meal lasted until after nine o'clock in the evening, and the power was cut off here. They lit a small table lamp and a few candles, and they were very satisfied with the meal, and the room was full of laughter. After eating, they cleaned up, and everyone went back to their rooms. They couldn't go to bed right away after they had eaten their fill. Several people in the car played cards. Shen Yunting was not interested in that, and sat beside him to read a novel. After playing for a while, he seemed to think of something and said, "By the way, how will Aunt Lian and Uncle Lian leave tomorrow? How about I get another RV." This car will be too crowded for two people, and it's inconvenient. But it's not appropriate for two middle-aged and elderly people to squeeze in behind the Blade Squad or drive an ordinary car, and a group of young people enjoy their happiness in an RV. Although the two of them combined are not as big as him... Lu Huaigang After winning a hand, he was shuffling the cards of Lu Xuan, when he heard the words, he turned his head and looked over, "You still have an RV?" Shen Yunting nodded, "It should be a little smaller." There are big ones, but it's not necessary. Lu Huai smiled, "Okay, thank you." Lu Xuan opened his mouth at the side, and looked at Shen Yunting from time to time, hesitating to speak, but Shen Yunting pretended not to see it, and Lu Huai slapped Lu Xuan on the back of the head. "Quickly shuffle the cards." He also noticed that the size of Shen Yunting's space should be different from what he said, but he didn't care about that, they are fine now, that's enough. Lu Xuan obediently said "Oh", continued to shuffle the cards wisely, and played until he felt that he had almost digested the cards, so he broke up and went to bed. Shen Yunting is not very tired today, so he is not going to sleep. He ordered to sort out the supplies, the supplies in the space are too messy. After turning off the lights, Shen Yunting's soul body appeared in the world of mountains and rivers. He first took out the storage bag brought back by the orange cat. His soul body can draw symbols, but it cannot make pills and weapons, because these two things need the pill fire in his body , the storage charms are almost all used by the orange cat, he needs to spare a few for frequently used things, and it is easier to take them.

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