c 41-42

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Go to the end of the world with a portable space


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 41 Materials 5

Shen Yunting: "?"

"Why are you here?"

Lu Huai said, "Is it moving to accompany you back to school?"

Shen Yunting: "..." Dare not dare to move.

Shen Yunting was actually a little moved. Lu Huai knew about the end times, even if he didn't fully believe it, but he chose to go with him at this time, he couldn't be completely indifferent.

It's just that he has more headaches than being moved. Lu Huai has followed him across half of the Xia Kingdom. Will he leave Lu Huai behind and ignore it? But he was afraid that Lu Huai's clinging would delay him a lot.

The stewardess had already walked up to the two of them and asked gently. Shen Yunting said a few words to the stewardess, and continued to close his eyes and ignore Lu Huai. He was a little annoyed. This person would definitely not be able to drive him away, so he could only talk about it when the time came.

Lu Huai saw that he was not in the right mood, and he didn't understand, but he always knew how to advance and retreat, so he didn't bother Shen Yunting again. Of course, his so-called knowing how to advance and retreat means that when the big goal can be achieved, he can make some small concessions so that Shen Yunting will not reject him.

Common name: mandatory warm boiled frogs.

After getting off the plane, Shen Yunting realized that not only Lu Huai came with him, but he also brought a bunch of tails, all of them were acquaintances. Lu Xuan came over with a smile, "Hi, sister-in-law! My name is Lu Xuan, Lu Huai's cousin."

Shen Yunting sneered, "Sister-in-law?"

Shrinking his neck, Lu Xuan felt a burst of cold air pouring in from the top of his head. Lu Huai gave a "cough". He actually liked the title, but Shen Yunting was obviously not very happy.

"Brother Shen."

Lu Xuan said sincerely, "Third Brother, he seems to be younger than me." Shen Yunting has just graduated from junior year.

Lu Huai glanced at him coldly, and Lu Xuan quickly changed his words: "Brother Shen!" Shen

Yunting felt that he looked like he was greeting a gangster brother. Lu Huai introduced the others to Shen Yunting, and Shen Yunting greeted him coldly. .

They took two taxis, and Lu Huai helped him carry his luggage graciously. He only brought a small suitcase for appearance, and there were only a few clothes in it, so he didn't need others at all, but Shen Yunting didn't even bother to struggle. struggle.

He knew that Lu Huai must have booked a room on the same floor as him. Sure enough, Lu Huai lived next door to him, Feng Wenxuan and Lu Xuan also lived on this floor, and Dong Yongyan and Lian Tiancheng's room was on the next floor.

In the evening, Lu Huai went to have dinner with Shen Yunting. Shen Yunting said he was tired and didn't go, so he checked the seafood farms in the room and selected a few to write down.

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