c 133-134

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Go to the end of the world with a portable space


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turn off the lights




Chapter 133 Contract Beast 2

Lu Huai was afraid that leading a bunch of mutated beasts into the meeting room would scare the people inside, and if someone reflexively attacked, there might be chaos. Someone called Xie Sui out and asked him to notify first.

However, even with the preparations, everyone in the meeting room was startled, and many people stood up from their chairs in shock.

A few contracted beasts followed behind Lu Huai and the others. After Lu Huai took his seat, they squatted behind them. They looked a little cute and made everyone's eyes shine.

The people in the military department are direct descendants of the Lu family, and this kind of good thing will either not be available to everyone, or if it can be promoted, most of them will have their share, so they can hold their breath no matter how anxious they are.

The Secret Service thought it was a secret book of exercises similar to the Beast Sect. Although they were greedy, they didn't want to worry about it, so they didn't say anything.

Sang Qi fiddled with the Buddhist bead bracelet in his hand, and glanced at it from time to time. The Sang family and the Mu family have united together. Both of them have helped publicize the matter of the blood-yang mutant beast behind the scenes, and they are still talking to the Lu family. Putting pressure on Lu Huai, wanting Lu Huai to hand over the method of taming mutant beasts, so as to "benefit mankind".

However, Sang Qi is not interested in being a target for Lu Huai by himself. They will act together many times in the future. He is a purely auxiliary spatial ability user.

Lu Huai can fight by himself, and he also brought a spirit beast that was said by the Secret Service to be found in the entire capital. If Lu Huai got anxious and cheated him one day, he might not know how he died.

It's just that not everyone is so aware of current affairs. The ice-type supernatural being behind Sang Qi looked around and found no one to speak, so he stood up by himself.

"I've heard the name of the blood-yang mutant beast before, and I wondered who spread the rumors. After all, if someone really has a way to tame the mutant beast, how could he not hand it over? Hahahaha."

He laughed a few times and found that The entire conference room was silent, and no one echoed him. He emphasized again: "This is the end of the world. Human beings are so difficult now. There is a way to increase strength. Of course, everyone should share it!"

There was still no sound in the room. He looked around. The people in the military department leaned on their chairs and looked at him coldly. The people in the secret service department also looked at the monkey's expression on their faces. Most of them are Xuanmen people.

There are many disciples and loose cultivators of various sects within them, and the most important thing is the inheritance of the master's sect. If there is any good thing, they will hand it over for free. The weapon manufacturing of the Federation and the various sects of Taoism are the good things that bear the brunt.

If you stand on the moral high ground with a few words, you want to take other people's things for nothing. If you encounter someone who has no power and power, there will probably be a large number of people who follow the trend, but the Lu family is not easy to mess with.

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