c 211-212

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Go to the end of the world with a portable space


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 211 Collection

    Xue Yang's convoy met Xie Sui and others at the gate of the west city, and after a while, all the major teams arrived one after another.

    Xie Sui invited several regiment leaders to the command vehicle, and held a brief meeting while driving towards the Pingcheng base.

    Xie Sui was tall and steady in military uniform. He sat on the chair in the command car and said in a deep voice: "Thank you for the support of all teams. Without further ado, let me introduce the current situation to you first."

    Seeing that everyone nodded, Xie Sui Continued: "The news from Pingcheng said that the scale of this zombie wave is not small, and it is estimated that there are at least 50,000 zombies. According to the information we know, so many zombies must have zombies of level three or above to survive." lead."

    "They didn't encircle Pingcheng as a whole, but attacked from the front and the north. City Lord Jiang judged that there are at least two third-level zombies as leaders, leading a zombie team to attack the city."

    Lu Huai asked: "How is the defense of the Pingcheng base?"

    Xie Sui said: "At present, the Pingcheng base has been besieged for more than half an hour, and there are still about 2 hours before the rescue of the Beijing base. No worries."

    "The military has sent flying beasts and helicopters to check the situation, and we will notify you in time if there is any news. But with the configuration of the Pingcheng base, it shouldn't be a problem for us to go there."

    "The main rescue team has already set off before us, and we are responsible for harassment and diversion." Xie Sui looked at Lu Huai at this point, and said, "The other thing is to rely on the flying beasts from all sides to find out the location of the high-level zombies." , carry out the decapitation operation."

    Yun Yilin tied a neat ponytail, wore a black combat uniform, and a pair of long legs overlapped together, looking elegant and handsome.

    She glanced at Lu Huai and said, "What parties? Except for the military department, there is only one in the temple, and the rest are blood-yang. So besides this, is there any specific battle plan? We can do it Yes ."

    Xie Sui shook his head and said: "The battlefield is changing rapidly. I can only set a rough policy now, and I have to look at the situation at that time. It is only necessary for each team to keep the intercom conversations smooth and resolutely execute orders."

    He looked around for a week with sharp eyes. "Everyone is not a soldier, but we are about to go to the battlefield. I ask you to treat yourself as a soldier from this moment. If you have any questions, you can ask them when you come back. If you think my command is wrong, you can complain to my superiors when you come back. On the battlefield, you must be obedient and obey orders and prohibitions!"

    The team leader at the temple is called Mu Ze, who is an uncle of Mu Wenhan. He looked a little foolish, raised his eyebrows when he heard Xie Sui's words, and said, "Don't tell me you want us to die, so we have to do it?"

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