c 39-40

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Go to the end of the world with a portable space


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turn off the lights




Chapter 39 End Times News 2

"It's still arguing, and sending messages to various sects in the Xuanshu world to see if they can save people from the Tianji sect. Most people don't believe that there will be such a thing, and even if it does, it is impossible to announce it, otherwise the catastrophe will still happen. Before it arrives, the country will be in chaos first. The decision now is to wait, isn't it said that the earthquake will happen first, and if there is a real earthquake, it will not be too late to notify the various military regions. As long as the army is stable, it will not fall!"

Father Lu Said lightly. "Although I don't really believe it, there are several families who are making some preparations in secret, and the Lu family is also making preparations, so it's best for you to stay in the capital recently. Also, don't let this matter out."

Lu Huai said decisively: "Lu Xuan stays here, I'll try to see if I can keep Yun Ting, if not, I will go with him, my father and third uncle will take care of me, but there is no one in Yun Ting's house, I will take care of him." Look at him."

Grandma Lu looked worried, but Grandpa Lu laughed and said, "Well done, this is the Lu family! Ask your dad to get you something to protect yourself and protect your wife!"

Although Grandma Lu was worried , But he didn't stop him, only told him to be careful, Lu Huai responded with a smile. Lu Xuan clamored to go with him, but was ruthlessly suppressed by Lu Huai.

Father Lu said: "If you want to leave tomorrow, remember to come and see me before you leave."

Lu Huai also agreed, and was about to go back to the hotel when he suddenly remembered Shen Yunting's words and felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart. Lu's father said: "Yun Ting said that this finger has been opened, why don't you take it too. The big brother's one is not available for him at the moment, third uncle or third aunt will take it first."

Lu's father was a little speechless, and said with a straight face : "What to bring! Have you ever seen a soldier with a jade ring finger. Your third uncle and aunt's unit is not suitable for bringing this thing to work."

Lu Huai frowned and looked at him without speaking, and refused to leave, he didn't know How should I put it, he also felt that he was baffled, but Lu Huai just didn't want to let it go.

Grandpa Lu patted Father Lu vigorously, and said, "Wear it if you tell me to! The child's heart, you don't care so much! Put it in your pocket or hang it on a rope."

Father Lu twitched the corners of his mouth, helplessly Should be next.

Third Aunt Lu smiled and said: "The old man is right, don't say anything else, just ask for peace of mind. I have a pendant, which was opened by a Taoist priest in Yuqing Temple by my mother. I will look through it when I go back. Let Hong Guang take Lu Bin's thumb first, and return him when there is a chance."

Lu Sanshu nodded beside him and said, "You can rest assured at home, but it is best to keep Yunting as much as possible, although I I don't really believe that, but just in case."

Lu Huai agreed, and drove back to the hotel, they were on the plane tomorrow afternoon, it was already late, and he planned to talk to Shen Yunting tomorrow morning.

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