c 33-34

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Go to the end of the world with a portable space


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 33 Teahouse

Thinking of his roommate, Shen Yunting suddenly remembered something. He happened to be on vacation when he passed through, and he had been wandering outside, forgetting that there was still school starting, so he took out his mobile phone to check, and their school started tomorrow.

Shen Yunting frowned. He wasn't afraid of not being able to go to school in time, but he felt that the students had left home to go to school. Once the end came... even if they survived, it would be difficult to go home.

It seems that his notice should be done as soon as possible. He was preparing before he came, and it should be ready tonight. I just don't know if the federal officials will believe him. We can only do our best and obey the destiny.

Lu Huai noticed that his brows were slightly wrinkled, and wanted to reach out to help him smooth it out, but retracted halfway.

"What's the matter? Did something happen?"

Shen Yunting shook his head: "I forgot about the start of school, and I may have to ask the teacher for a few days off."

Lu Huai was taken aback, he had graduated for several years, and he had forgotten about it.

Shen Yunting followed Lu Huai to Sanquanzi, Lu Huai ordered a "whole duck feast", and Shen Yunting forgot everything after eating.

Originally, he didn't pay much attention to this matter. He walked along the road with many bones. In this world, there are always some people who are greedy but not capable enough. If he produced dozens of storage rings, he wouldn't be working hard for the storage bag now. He didn't refine this thing, and of course everything was a trophy.

The evil cultivators in the cultivation world are not as miserable as the ones in this world. Those who slaughter villages can be seen everywhere, which is not worth mentioning in the cultivation world. The more vicious ones go to the mortal country to slaughter cities everywhere. Most decent monks don't do this, but no one has less blood on their hands, and their hearts are very cold.

Besides, Shen Yunting is not from this world, he is willing to help, more for the sake of making life more comfortable for himself.

After dinner, the two went to another scenic spot. For dinner, Lu Huai did not take Shen Yunting to a big meal, but went to the snack street to eat some local specialties, and then led him to a teahouse.

Shen Yunting looked around. The decoration here is a bit quaint, and there are already many people sitting on each table. Lu Huai led him to the table by the window, which was reserved in advance, and ordered some melon and fruit snacks and tea. .

Lu Huai poured tea for Shen Yunting. "This is the place for storytelling."

Just as he was speaking, the actors had already entered the stage. The story was nothing new, but the atmosphere was very interesting. Shen Yunting tilted his head and propped his chin to listen carefully.

There was a chill on his lips. It was a piece of cantaloupe that Lu Huai brought to his mouth. Shen Yunting didn't know what to think, or maybe he didn't think about anything. But he still heard Lu Huai's soft laughter mixed in it.

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