Chp.2 Cry Cry Dolls: Gwess Pt.1

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With Jolyne now being behind bars for 15 years worth of her youth life...she now has to live it she's in bars, she then was booked with a cellmate, who she's sitting down,eating crumbs of cookies...

Guard: Welcome to your new home, Cell 206. Break time for today has come and gone, Cell opens at 6:30am, breakfast starts at 7am, but if you wish to sleep in, you're allowed. Hope you two get along.

Jolyne enters her cell and to meet her new cell mate...

Gwess: Nice to meet you.

Jolyne: Nice to meet you too, I'm Jolyne.

Gwess: Names Gwess, want some?

Jolyne: No thank you. So much stuff has been happening lately for me, I just don't have the appetite-

Suddenly, Gwess stood up and to charge at Jolyne, hitting her with a metal plate...

Jolyne: Ow!! Hey, the hells your-

Gwess: I know you're new and all but the bottom bunk is mine!! So are you gonna have a problem with that you stupid whore!??

Suddenly, a bird chirps...and Jolyne notice a small chirping bird appears out of Gwess little pocket shirt...Gwess then let's go of Jolyne and backs up and her standing up...

Jolyne: Look I don't mean to look for trouble okay? Besides, I though the stuff on top of the hunk was yours and-

As Gwess grabs her stuff from the top bunk, Jolyne sees the charm from before her mother sent her...

Jolyne: H-Hey!! Where you get that charm!?

Gwess: Oh what?! Wanna Jack my stuff too!?

Jolyne: N-No!! Listen please, if you open that charm, you'll find a small stone and a picture of my parents too! It may be the one I throw away!

Gwess: Is that so? Heh, well apparently I bought this off from a new inmate the other day. It's pretty, yeah?

Jolyne: Yes I know, can I just see it-

Gwess: Hands off you filthy bitch! No way I'm letting you see it!

Jolyne: O-Okay! Fine, how about I buy it off from you? Name your price.

Gwess: Very well then, $200.

Jolyne: The hell!?!? You bitch!

Suddenly, Jolyne sees the pigeon again from Gwess shirt pocket...and what shocked her the most is that the pigeons head came off...and two little hands came out, grabbing the crumbs of the cookies....she wanted to say something...until...

Guard: Lights out!

It was time to go to bed, lights are off, Gwess walks to her bottom bunk bed, as Jolyne then goes to hers.
Later that night, Jolyne was still wide awake...still curious about the things going on here...

Jolyne Mind: The hells up with everything? So many strange things mind is racing with thoughts...

With so much going on, she began to remember everything she's got into, being framed, tricked, and stuck in bars for 15 years of her life...she rolls over...and closes her eyes...and to began shed couple of tears, crying inside of the horrible things going on with her...

Jolyne: I feel so lonely...and hate lonely...I could cry...if only..if only you're still alive, father.

She then tries to get some sleep...and she did...and as she got some sleep..she began to dream, a dream from her last, when she was a little child, and beginning her first year in kindergarten...

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now