Chp.24 An Unkown "Green" Birth Pt.1

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(Note: Skipping the whole "Drake's Dream" part, not much of a fan to write it, doesn't bring the hype of the story either way, sorry :3)


After defeating Kenzou and Drake's Dream with the help of (YN) FF and Anastasia, FF then recovers from her battle as she heals her body wounds and to heal Jolyne's wounds too...
Meanwhile, somewhere in the SpeedWagon Foundation HQ, inside a medical room, some of the SWF medics have Jocelyn attached with several wires to her body, scanning her wounds, brain and muscles...and Jocelyn still unconscious, sitting up on the bed with a pose...

SWF Medic #1: She's currently in a deep REM sleep, and has been some time. She woke up with a posture like an ascetic monk. And what it seemed like she might be awake, she went back to sleep for 24 hours. Makes sense since she got zero memory to speak of.

SWF Doc: How are her learning and cognitive skills after being revived??

SWF Medic #1: They're all normal, she's even memorized 30 English words. However, she's doesn't seem to know or understand her name as Jocelyn for her family, she shows no reaction, not even to pictures of her grandparents...her friends...her own daughter...and not even her own husband.

One of the medics look over at the monitor to check her brain...

SWF Medic #2: Her EEG and EKG read are as normal too. However, her muscle values are on the decline. Having no memories would indicate that he naturally has no motivation to go on living as the kind is shutting down. In response, the muscle begin to deteriorate quickly.

SWF Medic #1: Alright Doc, what's the plan?

SWF Doc: I don't know yet, we may have no other choice but to try and get her memories back.

As the medic gets close to Jocelyn, and to try touching her head, suddenly, her stand, Star Platinum emits quickly out for the other medics to Jocelyn to swing her hand, for the medic to grab and pull the doctor away from that punch and to break the glass cylinder, cutting her arm and to bleed...

SWF Medic #3: She's injured! Get her some first aid!

SWF Medic #1: I-I apologized doctor, I forgot to warn you about that before.

SWF Doc: Did...she just released her stand power??

SWF Medic #1: Y-Yeah, but doesn't have to do from her actual memory at all, but rather an instinct of defense.

Then, one of the medics notices the cuts Jocelyn got from her arm from the glass suddenly spell letters and to put a name...

SWF Medic #4: "Jo..lyne"?? Wait, Jolyne?! ..No, no way, how can she...

Back at the prison, Jolyne's wounds were recovered by FF, and (YN) relief it wasn't worse, and Anastasia...well just being a bit too comfortable with her, and (YN) made sure he doesn't act like that with her, but besides that, (YN) spots something on JoJo's arm, wounds, wounds that happen to be carved in letters...

(YN): FF, you missed there.

FF: Huh?? Weird, I didn't spot that before. Even if I treated them and healed them, they form shapes that spell something out.

Jolyne: ....

(YN): Well treat them, maybe it's hurting Jo-

Jolyne: No, don't. Leave them.

(YN): What?? JoJo...

Jolyne: It's fine (YN). *...I don't know how to explain this, but I know...this is...a message sent from my mom. Since before I was born, that lady has been watching over so many things, especially my dad as well when he was alive, to keep each other, their friends and our families safe. Dad would always keep me safe, as well as my mom, she made sure to keep my distance, knowing that's help me stay safe as well....Yes, I felt it I believe that through my body, my mom speaks to me...hopefully you get well soon mom...I can use your help too.*

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