Chp.50 Made In Heaven Pt.1

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As we left off, Pucci has finally obtained heaven! He too then obtained himself a new stand ability, first was White Snake, then was C-Moon...and now, it's Made in Heaven, or as we weebs like to call it "Meido in Hebun" in Jap Dub. Anyways, Pucci has playin that new stand power of us, and will use it to kill off his son, who happen to be the major problem...

Pucci: The reason for my disposing of you all is for the future of humanity. Your deaths are nothing personal, but for the sake of all mankind's happiness, you shall become necessary sacrifices.

Emporio: Ghost gun, fire!!

Emporio pulls out his ghost gun, shoots a bullet as Pucci as he dodges it with full speed and to flee around the building...

Jolyne: It's no use Emporio! Bullets won't hit him!

Emporio: No Jolyne! I a at the wall to that building and having Ermes putting one of her stickers on that bullet, and two have two bullets, one I shot at the other I have on me with the sticker.

Ermes: He's coming around!

(YN): Then hold onto each other!

They all hold on to each other and not let go as Emporio pulls the sticker out of the bullet and to be sent flying over to the bullet he shot to the other building...

They all hold on to each other and not let go as Emporio pulls the sticker out of the bullet and to be sent flying over to the bullet he shot to the other building

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Pucci started to catch them up with his intense speed...

Emporio: Crap! He's gaining on us!

Ermes: Shit! He's on our asses!

(YN): Emporio, put another sticker at the bullet and shoot again! We will make it to the wetlands like this and so be it! Head towards the ocean! If we are surrounded by water, there's one thing Ay we can end my father's time crazy ness!

As they were gonna land onto another building, Pucci has already got there before them...

Ermes: Shit he's beaten to us! He's gonna wait for us there!

(YN): Emporio use this next bullet to change our trajectory now! To the ocean, that's where we need to be! Focus on the marshes and aim the bullet at the rocks jutting out of the water!

Emporio uses another sticker to the bullet, duplicate one to shoot to the ocean and taking the sticker off from the other he's got and to then fly over to the ocean instead away from Pucci, but he then goes after them still..

Ermes: He's coming this way! He's too damn fast!

(YN): Even if he is able to pursue us through the state of accelerated time, he only has one stand. Also I'm willingly to bet that it's powers only above average! He has no choice but to pick each of us off one at a time. That's when we have the chance to beat him!

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now